molecule in the Chemistry topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Chemistry: words, phrases and expressions | Chemistry
Molecule definition: the smallest physical unit of an element or compound, consisting of one or more like atoms in an element and two or more different atoms in a compound.. See examples of MOLECULE used in a sentence.
orspatialdistribution of its atoms.Structuralchemistryis concerned withvalence, which determines how atoms combine in definite ratios and how this is related to the bond directions and bond lengths. The properties of molecules correlate with their structures; for example, the water molecule is bent st...
Structural chemistry is concerned with valence, which determines how atoms combine in definite ratios and how this is related to the bond directions and bond lengths. The properties of molecules correlate with their structures; for example, the water molecule is bent structurally and therefore has a...
This is the definition of a polar molecule in chemistry, along with examples and how to tell polar and nonpolar molecules apart.
Condensation | Definition, Examples & Process4:09 Ch 2.Atom Ch 3.The Periodic Table Ch 4.Nuclear Chemistry Ch 5.Chemical Bonding Ch 6.Liquids and Solids Ch 7.Gases Ch 8.Solutions Ch 9.Stoichiometry Ch 10.Chemical Reactions Ch 11.Equilibrium ...
Chirality is the quality of an object to be nonsuperimposable on its mirror image. Hands are a common example of a chiral object, as right and left hands are mirror images of one another but they are nonsuperimposable on one another. ...
Admin. (2021, June 9). What is a Monomer? – Definition, Classification, Examples with Videos. BYJUS. Biological macromolecules. OpenStax CNX. (n.d.). ...
In science, as in life, words often acquire meaning through usage rather than through definition. We use ‘species’ and ‘force’ without being troubled by their imprecision. The same can be said about ‘molecule’. For example, it has been defined as: ‘The simplest unit of a chemical ...
Define molecule. molecule synonyms, molecule pronunciation, molecule translation, English dictionary definition of molecule. n. 1. The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of