Medical Definition molecule noun mol·e·culeˈmäl-i-ˌkyü(ə)l :the smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms More from Merriam-Webster onmolecule ...
CO2(onecarbonatom bonds with two oxygen atoms) and H2O are an example ofheteronuclear diatomic moleculesas two different types of atoms bond to form a molecule. Video: What is a molecule? Biology definition: Amolecule is the smallest unit of anelementorcompound, made up ...
Molecule definition: the smallest physical unit of an element or compound, consisting of one or more like atoms in an element and two or more different atoms in a compound.. See examples of MOLECULE used in a sentence.
whereas the carbon dioxide molecule is linear and has no dipole moment. The elucidation of the manner in which atoms are reorganized in the course of chemical reactions is important. In some molecules the structure may not be rigid; for example, inethane(H3CCH3) there is virtually free rotatio...
This is the definition of a polar molecule in chemistry, along with examples and how to tell polar and nonpolar molecules apart.
The properties of molecules correlate with their structures; for example, the water molecule is bent structurally and therefore has a dipole moment, whereas the carbon dioxide molecule is linear and has no dipole moment. The elucidation of the manner in which atoms are reorganized in the course ...
Micromolecule (biology definition):amoleculethat is relatively smaller (than amacromolecule), or of low molecular weight that may regulate a biological process. Examples of micromolecules are the monomers (e.g. nucleotides, amino acids, monosaccharides, glycerol, and fatty acids) and inorganic compou...
The meaning of MOLECULE is the smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms. How to use molecule in a sentence.
Chirality is the quality of an object to be nonsuperimposable on its mirror image. Hands are a common example of a chiral object, as right and left hands are mirror images of one another but they are nonsuperimposable on one another. ...
What is the best definition of a diatomic molecule? The best definition of a diatomic molecule is two atoms of the same or different elements that are chemically bonded together. Diatomic molecules consist of only two atoms. The two atoms within a diatomic molecule can be from either the same...