In practice, bromobenzene was used as a solvent appropriate for this purpose. Since the MWD for the precursor polystyrene is known, the MWD for the poly(methyl methacrylate) block was determined by this method. By using these data and assuming the Schulz distribution for MWD, the CD curve ...
The molecular structure ofp-dibromobenzene has been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction, using three different sets of experimental data. Least-squares refinement of a model withD2hsymmetry shows that the internal angle of the benzene ring at the place of substitution is 121.8±0.2°. This...
Relation between molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity of solutions of poly-p-tret-butylphenylmethacrylate fractions in bromobenzene and carbon tetrachloride : O. V. Kallistov, I. N. Shtennikova, Vysokomol. soedin. 1 : No. 6, 842–845, 1959Relation...
Molecular oxygen (O2) is the ultimate “green” oxidant for organic synthesis. There has been recent intensive research within the synthetic community to develop new selective liquid phase aerobic oxidation methodologies as a response to the necessity to reduce the environmental impact of chemical synth...
fifteen test samples an average weight percent yield of 70% is calculated represented by an average crude weight of 18.4 mg. TLC and LC/MS analysis of the crude samples support the viability of the 8-step process. Several informative observations are made following this analysis: 1) Side-...
bromobenzenecarbon tetrachloridefree radicalsglutathioneA brief summary of the pioneering work of Brodie, Gillette, and coworkers on the discovery and development of the concept of chemically reactive intermediates serves as the backdrop for this chapter on approaches to studying how chemicals modify ...
degradation and oxidation products from the sample matrix.The thermal desorption measurement of PS with brominated polystyrene gave during UV radiation a shift from tribromotoluene, tetrabromobenzene and tribromomethylstyrene towards bromotoluenes, dibromotoluene, bromobenzenes and bromostyrenes (fig. 2)...
The results indicated that the protein concentration, activities of G6PDH and AP, and ATP content were more sensitive to halogeno-benzenes than dry weight. Among the four halogeno-benzenes, the order of toxicity on the alga was: hexachlorobenzene>1,2,3-trichlorobenzene>bromobenzene>chlorobenzene....
Bromobenzene-inducedoxidativestressThe antioxidant activities of high molecular weight persimmon condensed tannin (HMWPT) were evaluated in an ex vivo tissue system and in vivo. Addition of HMWPT to mouse liver homogenate protected the samples against auto-peroxidation or H2O2- or Fe2+/ascorbic acid-...
A previous study by some of us [58] has shown that some compounds containing halogenated aryl rings, in particular, chlorobenzene and bromobenzene rings, display very similar conformational relaxation times. Here, we extend the comparison to other related compounds. Figure 5 shows the intramolecular ...