Efficient and regulated nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of macromolecules to the correct subcellular compartment is critical for proper functions of the eukaryotic cell. The majority of the macromolecular traffic across the nuclear pores is mediated by the Karyopherin-β (or Kap) family of nuclear transport...
The lifetime of this intermediate was calculated to be 2 min, for o-xylene as contrasted to 20 and 17 min, for m- and p-xylene, respectively. Addition of inert gases (He, A, N-2 and SF6) increased W-max thus suggesting that this rate is governed by a diff...
Draw the Lewis structure for SF4 and determine the following: a. the molecular shape b. the electron pair geometry at the central atom c. the hybridization of the central atom Draw the Lewis structure of N2H4 and determine the hybridization orbital for each...
What is the molecular shape of CF2Cl2? What are the bond angles in a trigonal planar geometry? What is the molecular structure of BrF5? What is the molecular geometry of SF6? What is Ch3Oh's molecular geometry? What is the electron geometry (EG) of BrF_5?
Use of molecular orbital (MO) theory allows for an understanding of the observed properties (shape, reactivity) of molecules. The tag should be applied to all questions related to MO theory, from questions about the qualitative use of the theory to questions about the underlying quantum mechanics...
The functions 1R and 2R have the characteristic shape of an inertial motion at short times and show an exponential decay at long times, even for the SF6 solution where rotation proves easier than in CCl4. The relationship between 1R and 2R proposed by Berne and Harp checks well in CCl4, ...
Answer to: Draw the Lewis structure for HCN. Determine the number of electron groups, the electron geometry, and the molecular shape. Is it polar...
Effect of the molecule shape on the diffusion in molecular fluids. Molecular dynamics calculation results for SF6–C6H6 and a related model solution In the case of the SF6–C6H6 model, the self‐diffusion coefficient of SF6 appeared to be always larger than that of highly diluted benzene. This...
A spherical shape is often associated with lymphocytes but in vivo imaging demonstrates this is not always case [25, 26]. The dendrite development may reflect a branching morphology taken by these cells, as has been proposed for GC B cells [27]. Alternatively, genes involved in dendrite ...
Provide Electron-Dot formula, molecular shape name, 3-D drawing, bond polarity, and molecule polarity for {eq}{{H}_{2}{O}} {/eq} molecule. Polar and Nonpolar Molecules Covalent bonds with partially ionic and partially covalent characters are called pol...