Nature Plants,Article平均引用量达到了15.7,综述引用量也较高, Plant Cell,Plant phy, Plant journal三个植物领域老牌杂志,极少的综述,但质量很高。可以说这三个杂志的影响因子非常扎实,而且业内口碑和认可度确实也非常高。 PBJ,这两年影响因子大涨,但brief communication的数量明显增加很多,这部分的贡献很大。从数据...
分享回复赞 期刊吧 贴吧用户_aXM9eEU 医学sci包括哪些中文期刊(学术期刊论文发表)英文名:JournalofMolecularCellBiology,ISSN:1674-2788,影响因子:7.308 3、分子植物 英文名:MolecularPlant,ISSN:1674-2052,影响因子:6.126 4、真菌多样性 英文名:FungalDiversity,ISSN:1560-2745,影响因子:5.319 ... 分享回复赞 干细...
Comparative genomics indicates that ectomycorrhizal fungi have lost a set of genes that control the decay of organic matter contained in plant cell walls. During the formation of ectomycorrhizae, mycobionts and host plants require diversified signaling molecules to induce their bilateral communication; ...
7.5 gap junctions and plasmodesmata:mediating intercellular communication(缝隙连接和胞间连丝:介导细胞间通讯) 7.6 cell walls 8.Cytoplasmic membrane systems:structure, function,and membrane trafficking(细胞质膜系统:结构、功能和膜运输) 8.1 an overview of the endomembrane system 8.2 a few approaches to the...
22.Bacterial elicitation and evasion of plant innate immunity 机译:细菌诱导和逃避植物固有免疫 作者:Abramovitch RB;Anderson JC;Martin GB 期刊名称:《Nature reviews: molecular cell biology》 | 2006年第8期 关键词: SYRINGAE PV. TOMATO; PROGRAMMED CELL-DEATH; E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASE; PATHOGEN PSEUDOMON...
摘要:Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a class of plant steroid hormones that play indispensable roles in cell elongation,rndivision and plant development. To date, the numerous synthesis of BRs analogs and structure–activityrnrelationship investigations have clearly revealed the key substituent groups relevant...
代码语言:javascript 复制 require("LandGenCourse")example_df<-system.file("extdata","stickleback_data.txt",package="LandGenCourseData")data<-read.table(example_df,sep="\t",,check.names=F)dim(data)data[1:5,1:10] 看到了书里介绍library()和require()函数的区别: ...
摘要:The phytohormone auxin is vital to plant growth and development. A unique property of auxin among all other plant hormones is its cell-to-cell polar transport that requires activity of polarly localized PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux transporters. Despite the substantial molecular insight into...