The establishment of the basic architecture in the shoot system depends on the activity of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) (Sussex and Kerk2001; Shi and Vernoux2019). The function of the SAM relies on stem cells in its central zone that are indispensable for maintaining its pluripotency (Barto...
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. References Akiyoshi DE, Morris RO, Hinz R, Mischke BS, Kosuge T, Garfinkel DJ, Gordon MP, Nester EW: Cytokininauxin balance in crown gall tumors is regulated by specific loci in the T-DNA. Proc Natl...
Although the function of cytokinins in leaf senescence is well known, the mechanism of cytokinin inhibition of leaf senescence remains to be elucidated. Based on the fact that increased cell-wall invertase activity triggered by cytokinins is both necessary and sufficient for the inhibition of leaf ...
pro-senescence serves as a self-protection mechanism under stress, but it also substantially limits crop yield potential, leading to economic losses. A negative correlation was observed between life cycle length and yield in C × E
S100A6 (also called calcyclin) is a Ca2+-binding protein that belongs to the S100 protein family. S100A6 has many functions related to the cytoskeleton, cell stress, proliferation, and differentiation. S100A6 also has many interacting proteins that are d
(2002) reported that the overexpression of AtPAL in citrus transgenic roots substantially altered the growth and phenolic production. The activation of PAL under plant growth condition was considered as a part of defense mechanism and production of secondary metabolites (Peiser et al., 1998). ...
In addition, a coordinated cytokinin (CK), salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signaling pathway is activated in Bph6-carrying plants; this reveals the vital roles of CKs as positive regulators in rice-BPH interactions [33••]. The physiological response of BPH to a resistant Bph6-transgenic ...
A dominant mutantbig grain 3 (bg3-D)was isolated, which featured larger rice grains.BG3, encoding a purine permease, OsPUP4, regulates grain size positively by controlling both the long-distance transport and local allocation of cytokinin (Xiao et al.2019). Recently, Yin et al. (2020) rep...
of the defense elicitor molecule. Taken together, the results reveal a complex scenario of symbiotic and defense pathways activated by the simultaneous detection of different elicitor molecules and contribute to the knowledge of the molecular crosstalk between the symbiotic and defense pathways in legumes...
0.02% (v/v) Tween. In both assays, after 48 h of incubation, the plants treated with 3 and 5 mg L−1extract exhibited an increased GUS activity in the root, but especially in the shoot, hinting at the activation of the cytokinin signaling. Although the assay in liquid cultures was ...