For both strains, 13C8-6-MSA was incorporated into yanuthones D and E, resulting in a mass shift of 7.023 Da. This is in agreement with the scenario described above, where one carbon atom must be eliminated from 6-MSA in the biosynthetic processing toward yanuthones D and E. Moreover...
Article Synthesis, Selective Cytotoxic Activity against Human Breast Cancer MCF7 Cell Line and Molecular Docking of Some Chalcone-Dihydropyrimidone Hybrids Eduardo B. Mass 1 , Carolina A. de Lima 2, Marcelo G. M. D'Oca 3, Juliana M. Sciani 4 , Giovanna B. Longato 2,† and Dennis ...
Aided by band bending at the substrate–electrolyte interface, the photogenerated holes oxidize the anode reaction at the GaN or InGaN surface while the electrons diffuse into the GaN or InGaN mass. The holes act as an anode, oxidizing the surface layer of GaN and InGaN with the evolution of...
In addition EzhB is the orthologue of SET-7, the N. crassa homologue of Drosophila E(z), that was recently identified by epitope tagging and mass spectrometry as one of four components of a PRC2-like complex in this organism (Jamieson et al., 2013). The derepression of ltm and ...
Mass spectra were collected using a API 3200 LC/MS/MS system (AB MDS Sciex, Ontario, Canada) equipped with an ESI source. DRX data were collected on a Bruker APEX-II D8 Venture area diffractometer (Bruker, MA, USA) equipped with graphite monochromatic Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å...