Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: An International Journal for Chemical Biology in Health and Disease publishes original research papers, short ...
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: An International Journal for Chemical Biology in Health and Disease publishes original research papers and short communications in all areas of biomedical sciences, emphasizing novel findings relevant to the biochemical and molecular basis of cellular function in physiologi...
Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry创刊于1973年,由Springer US出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖生物 - 细胞生物学全领域,此刊是该细分领域中属于非常不错的SCI期刊,在行业细分领域中学术影响力较大,专业度认可很高,所以对原创文章要求创新性较高,如果您的文章质量很高,可以尝试。平均审稿速度 约1.7个月 ,影响因子指数3.5,该...
cells. The journal considers studies on functional cell biology, molecular mechanisms of transcription and translation, biochemistry, as well as research using both the experimental and theoretical aspects of physics to study biological processes and investigations into the structure of biological ...
Single Cell Biology,Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology,Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy,Cellular and Molecular Biology,Journal of Cell Science & Therapy,Cell & Developmental Biology,. h-index Articles published inJournal of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistryhave been cited by esteemed sc...
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry是可选OA期刊。选择传统订阅模式则无需版面费。 选择OA的话,费用是£2390/$3590/€2790,折合人民币21697元。OA比例9.1% 通讯方式 SPRINGER, VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ 审稿周期 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry官网表面: ...
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 期刊简介 英文简介: Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: An International Journal for Chemical Biology in Health and Disease publishes original research papers and short communications in all areas of the biochemical sciences, emphasizing novel findings relevant to the bioch...
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 期刊简介 英文简介: Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: An International Journal for Chemical Biology in Health and Disease publishes original research papers and short communications in all areas of the biochemical sciences, emphasizing novel findings relevant to the bioch...
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 期刊简介 英文简介: Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: An International Journal for Chemical Biology in Health and Disease publishes original research papers and short communications in all areas of the biochemical sciences, emphasizing novel findings relevant to the bioch...
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry《分子与细胞生物化学》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称MOL CELL BIOCHEM 参考译名《分子与细胞生物化学》 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向生物学-CELL BIOLOGY细胞生物学 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry《分子与...