Molar Mass CalculatorMole Molar mass Molar Masses of Elements and Compounds Molecular Mass Calculating the Molar Mass Mole All substances consist of atoms or molecules. In chemistry, it is important to measure their amounts accurately. The mole is used to express the amounts of reactants and...
Note: Integers (numbers without a decimal period or exponent notation) are considered accurate up to 15 digits and the maximum number of digits after the decimal point is 10. In this calculator, E notation is used to represent numbers that are too small or too large. E notation is an ...
in the compound using the periodic table or a molecular mass calculator. Calculate the mass due to the component in the compound you are for which you are solving by adding up the mass of these atoms. Divide the mass due to the component by the total molar mass of the compound ...
Note: Your calculator probably has no cube root button, but you are expected to be able to find cube roots; you can usually use the xy button with y=0.333. You should also be able estimate the magnitude of this value for checking. The easiest way is to express the number so that the...