Mole Concept Tyndall Effect Balancing Chemical Equations Electromeric Effect Electrochemical Cell Boyle's Law CBSE Sample Papers CBSE Sample Papers Class 8 Science CBSE Sample Papers Class 9 Science CBSE Sample Papers Class 10 Science CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 Physics CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 ...
Free ALLEN Notes Text SolutionGenerated By DoubtnutGPT To understand how the mole is related to the volume of a gaseous substance, we can follow these steps: 1. Understanding the Concept of a Mole: - A mole is a unit in chemistry that represents a specific number of particles, usually at...
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Q.A transition metal M forms a volatile chloride which has a vapour density of 94.8. If it contains 74.75% of chlorine the formula of the metal chloride will be(1) $\mathrm{MCl}_{2}$(2) $\mathrm{MCl}_{4}$(3) $\mathrm{MCl}_{5}$(4) $\mathrm{MCl}_{3}$[AIEEE 2012 (Online...
Mole Concept : Companion Notes : General Chemistry OnlineFred Senese
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