Exporting EU integrated border management beyond EU borders: modernization and institutional transformation in exchange for more mobility? countries) and the activity of the EU Border Assistance Mission to the Republic of Moldova and to Ukraine (EUBAM) at the Ukrainian鈥揗oldovan border... Sagrera...
The Project “Sustainable Integrated Land Use of Eurasian Steppe” is implemented in the territories of steppe ecosystems of the threecountries – Ukraine, Russian Federation and Moldova, which embraces Lugansk andOdessa oblast in Ukraine, Manych valley in Russia, steppe plots in Cahul rayonand on ...
The proceeds of the loan will be used by MAIB to expand its loan portfolio to private sector companies in Moldova, to develop new products in order to become a more competitive financial institution, to achieve integrated computerisation and to support MAIB's institutional development. Transition ...
care in the region directly; additionally, it engaged global experts to provide technical assistance, made global grants and organized convenings that benefited the region.6-13 In the 2000s, countries in the region made considerable progress building the foundations for integrated palliative care ...
(EA)takesinto accountthenaturalenvironment...humanhealthandsafety;socialaspects... transboundaryandglobalenvironmentalaspects.EAconsidersnaturalandsocialaspects inanintegratedway.”TheentireEAprocessassetinthereferredpolicyappliesto “projectsandcomponentsfundedundertheGlobalEnvironmentFacility.”These safeguardpolicies...
The conclusion we can draw is that each of these countries needs to adopt a coordinated and integrated strategy of reforms aimed at (a) preventing early school drop-outs; (b) incentivizing the attainment of a university degree; (c) reforming school curricula; (d) closing the gap between ...
The elements appreciated by the Romanian tourists at a wine cellar are the possibility of an integrated service (46%), accommodation–food–entertainment (32%), rural region (12%), and wine quality (11%). For the Moldavian tourists, these elements are quite different and are as follows: acc...
“Renaissance of economy - renaissance of the country ” (2001); Program of activity of the Government for the years 2005-2009 “Modernization of the country - welfare of nation” (2005); Strategy for socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova for medium term (until 2005) (2001)...