I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with my partner and 2 children. Our baby is in the room with us. Its a pretty small master bedroom with an ensuite. The ensuite had a leak behind the wall for months and we only realised this when the timber around it looked damp. Then we noticed ...
Buyers are acquiring fully leased apartment buildings, some with long-term tenants making the sale attractive as it provides immediate cash flow. Long-term occupied units have a higher tendency to fail lead inspections due to tenant wear and tear. Hence the value of buying a property with a ...
Spore "A" may "overgrow" spore "B" in a particular test, obscuring the presence of spore "B" which might be the real problem in the building. Some fungal spores won't grow at all in culture media (non-viable spores and many Ascospores) but may still be present at toxic levels in ...
Founded in 1991, Fresh Air Restoration and Cleaning has been providing residential and commercial services with contracts with the State of Texas, several hospitals and medical facilities, several schools, hotels, and event centers, and many office buildings and apartment complexes in San Antonio, New...
My apartment in Licking County,Ohio was the 4 unit common type building in which the bathrooms were on the second floor, "above the kitchen cabinets". Most of these apartments had mold issues. I went to the county health dept, and was told, "nothing is Known about mold to be able to...
Mold Removal Brooklyn NY provides mold remediation services locally; call 347-464-0189. Leaders in lead testing, mold inspection, and testing.
(coag neg staph). Unfortunately, I didn’t see much improvement with my symptoms, so that was a letdown. Note that I moved out of my house and settled into a new, clean apartment while I was on the regimen too – Dr. B said this was the most important step (and I agree). After...
The size of the area(s), the types of building materials, the location of the mold growth in the facility, the HVAC system(s), etc. are considered in determining how the work is conducted. Mold Management Services: ECI will work with homeowners, apartment complexes, commercial and ...
The insulation in the ceiling above is often pulled back from the perimeter to allow air to enter through the soffit vents (or simply because there isn’t much room). This creates a cold spot. Condensation occurs when the warm & humid air interacts with this cold surface. In time, mold ...
He said he's seen similar looking fungus but never in an indoor environment and especially on PVC to a hot water heater. The results will go to my apartment manager so I am dependent on them to tell me. Can anyone tell me what this could be? I'm am very worried about this. ...