South Florida Mold Removal At Mold Only, we pride ourselves on providing expert South Florida mold remediation and removal to homeowners, realtors, contractors, and others in need of such services. Whether you’re selling a home and wish to reduce any possible liability or you’ve personally id...
A family is upset after they say their items inside what was supposed to be a climate-controlled storage unit in Montgomery County became covered in mold. No description available Black and white mold sicken family after HHA crew removes AC unit from Cuney Homes apartment for 3 months, tenant...
but they got dropped on the floor prior to drying/on the way to the line. Me being OCD me, picked them up and threw them back in the laundry basket (one with mesh/open sides and no lid) and thought nothing more of it until I found the moldy sheet and towel in our ...
Molding walls in an old New York apartment. Classic old-school air purifiers only collected the mold spores but didn’t kill them with UV light. It might sound barbaric, but the only way to remove mold and mold spores is to literally fry them. Which air purifiers are the best for mold...
microcirculation is not functioning optimally, your body cannot remove the metabolic waste being stored in the body’s cells, organs, and tissues. In a nutshell, mold related toxins are found in this metabolic waste which is why you want and need it out of your body in order to recover ...
Does this constitute a “mold problem” if the ambient air inside the apartment is OK? I have been reading your website as I try to educate myself on mold in homes. I am writing on behalf of my senior citizen parents, whose condo suffered a flood from a broken AC pipe in the apartm...
violent cough which sometimes results in vomiting, and almost always in loss of urinary control, caused from living in a toxic mold-infested apartment after Hurricane Ike (and this was one I moved to in order to get out of one that flooded). In short, I have been coughing since January ...
Thank you for your patience in reading this message. The lack of light in the bathroom would not directly cause the mold growth. The main cause of mold on a bathroom ceiling is a broken or ineffective exhaust fan. I recommend replacing the fan with a constant flow unit such as the ...
I took old wall paper off a kitchen wall in my 8th floor condo (in a concrete building built in 1969 in south FL) and found what I thought was an old water stain as the old AC unit was a pancake unit in the ceiling behind the kitchen. The AC has since been replaced and installed...