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ANSWERS TO THE SOLUBILITY CURVE WORKSHEET ON NEXT PAGE ANSWERS TO THE SOLUBILITY CURVE WORKSHEET 1) NH 3 , and Ce 2 (SO 4 ) 3 2) Temperature; more 3) NaCl 4) 20g more 5) About 95 o C 6) 10g more 7) 35 g 8) 200g; (5 x 40g) ...
Molarity,Molality,Osmolality,Osmolarity,andEquivalentsWorksheetandKey 1)23.5gofNaClisdissolvedinenoughwatertomake.683Lofsolution. a)Whatisthemolarity(M)ofthesolution? b)HowmanymolesofNaClarecontainedin0.0100LoftheaboveNaClsolution? c)Whatvolume(L)ofthisNaClsolutionwouldcontain2.00molesofNaCl?
Stoichiometry Using Molarity WorksheetFor chemistry helpvisit
Based on the results of the validation score, the student worksheet was declared very valid. Based on the results of student questionnaire data, an average score of 94.9%. The results showed that the learning media were valid and practical to use for virtual experiments....