It was chosen three polymers of the polyacrylamidetype, which differ in molar weight and charge density. It was studied the addition of thesepolymers in relatively small concentration 0,1% in mass and maximum concentration of2,0%. It was made analysis of flow to determine the appearing ...
ChemicalCo.1.Thepuritiesofthematerialswerede. terminedbygaschromatography:2-methyl—·3·-buten—· 2一ol,99.60%(bymass),methanol,99.99%(bymass), ethanol,99.98%(bymass),propanol,99.97%(bymass) andbutanol,99.98%(bymass). Refractiveindices weremeasured with an A b b e typ e refr act...
OF2的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由二氟化氧 - OF2组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 氧 O 15.9994 g/mol 1 29.6306% 氟 F 37.9968 g/mol 2 70.3694% 二氟化氧 元素 质量百分比氟37.9968g氟37.9968g氧15.9994g氧15.9994g OF2 原子#氟2氟2氧1氧1 🛠️ 计算摩尔质量 指令 这个程序决定一种...