Molar mass distribution could be analysed best using a mobile phase of DMSO:water (90:10) with addition of 0.05 M LiBr, a system offering good solubilisation of the polymers and a proper chromatographic separation. SEC analysis in aqueous systems provided information on solubility and aggregation ...
LS has something in common with the viscosity detector that is a molar mass-sensitive detector; thus, the LS signal is proportional to the concentration and the molar mass of the polymer chains. The scattered light of a polymer in solution can be measured at several angles. There are LS equ...
The weight average molar mass (M(w)) and root mean square radii of starches from waxy maize (Amioca), waxy rice flour, cassava, Hylon V, Hylon VII, and potato amylose were determined by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and multiple-angle laser light scattering (MALLS). Dimethylsulfoxide...
“microdosing” studies to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of novel drug compounds22,23,24,25, extends the distance/time over which tracers can be transported to the imaging site26, and is critical in preclinical research, where much higher concentrations of the tracer per mass of the animal must...
Pieper-F¨urstetal.,2005)duetonotonlytheirhighmassbutalso assetoftheirabilitytoundergosurfaceplasmonresonancephe- nomenonleadingtostrengtheningtheSPRsignal(Lyonetal., 1999). ∗ Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+82312907341;fax:+82312907272. Routinely,AuNPsaresimplyproduc...
absolute molar massacetylated hardwood kraft ligninfractionationmulti-angle laser light scattering (MALLS)in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). These results demonstrate that Ac-HWKL has a more compact structure in an organic solvent than polystyrene.doi:10.1515/hf-2018-0119Wang, Linping...
molar mass distributionA size exclusion chromatography–multiangle laser light scattering (SEC㎝ALLS) method is developed for determining the molar masses of amphiphilic hyaluronan (HA), consisting of a hydrophilic polymer backbone modified to varying extents with hydrophobic, polymerizable acrylate groups....
molar mass distributionA size exclusion chromatography-multiangle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) method is developed for determining the molar masses of amphiphilic hyaluronan (HA), consisting of a hydrophilic polymer backbone modified to varying extents with hydrophobic, polymerizable acrylate groups. ...
The weight average molar mass, Mw, is the number of chains of given weight times the weight of material with that given molar mass divided by the total weight of polymer. From: Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003 ...
Molar mass (gm/mol), MP: average polymer(copolymer) molar mass N Average number of monomer repeat units n Refractive index ρ Mass density (gm/mL) R Molar refraction (ml/mol); RM for the monomer repeat unit; RS for the solvent RGD Gladstone-Dale molar refraction (ml/gm); RGD,M for...