2.Cesiumbromideisusedtomakeopticaldevicessuchasprismsandspectrophotometercells.Writetheformulaforcesiumbromideandfindthepercentcompositionofallelementsinthiscompound. 3.CCl2F2isaFreonwhichisagaseouscompoundusedinrefrigeration.Whatpercentofthiscompoundisfromcarbon? 4.Whichhasahigherpercentagebymassofiron? iron(III)...
Precise densities for sodium of chloride, bromide and iodide and potassium iodide in ethanolamine and water+ethanolamine mixtures (15, 30, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 mass% ethanolamine) up to a maximum salt molality of 0.15 mol-kg 1 are reported from measurements at 25掳C using a vibrating ...
The charge is calculated from the amount of accessible carboxyl groups on the surface of the gel sample divided by the total mass of the sample. The surface charge or accessibility of the cationic polymers on the MFC gel increased initially with increasing number of passages through the fluid...
(-1);and cesium oxalate,DELTA_(sol)H_m(T= 291.34 K;m = 0.0143 mol centre dot kg~(-1)) = (22.07 +- 0.16) kJ centre dot mol~(-1) were determined calorimetrically.The purity of the chemicals was generally greater than 0.99 mass fraction,except for HCOOCs and (COOCs)_2 where ...