C7H5O3NS的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由糖精 - C7H5O3NS组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 碳 C 84.0749 g/mol 7 45.8963% 氫 H 5.0397 g/mol 5 2.7512% 氧 O 47.9982 g/mol 3 26.2021% 氮 N 14.0067 g/mol 1 7.6462% 硫 S 32.065 g/mol 1 17.5042% 糖精 元素 质量百分比碳84.0749...
Mg:Al Molar Ratio Mg:A2:l1M olar R5a:1t io Sample Mass (g) S0a.m10p0l6e M0a.1s0s8(3g ) Pt (mg/L) Percentage of Pt (wt%) 3.42P6t (mg/L) 3.780 P0e.r3c4e ntage of 0.P3t5( wt%) Sn (mg/L) ...
由糖精- C7H5O3NS组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 碳C84.0749 g/mol745.8963% 氫H5.0397 g/mol52.7512% 氧O47.9982 g/mol326.2021% 氮N14.0067 g/mol17.6462% 硫S32.065 g/mol117.5042% 糖精 元素 质量百分比碳84.0749g碳84.0749g氧47.9982g氧47.9982g硫32.065g硫32.065g氮14.0067g氮14.0067g氫...