What is the molar mass of Fe(NO3)2? What is the molar mass of Fe(NO3)2*9H20 What is sodium sulfate's molar mass? How many grams are in 5.00 moles of sodium chloride? What is the molar mass of hydrochloric acid? What is the mass in grams of 1.47 moles CaCl2? What is the molar...
Composition of FeSO4*C2H4(NH3)2SO4·4H20 ElementSymbolAtomic Mass# of AtomsMass Percent IronFe55.845 g/mol114.2929% Sulphur/SulfurS64.13 g/mol216.4133% OxygenO127.9952 g/mol832.7588% CarbonC24.0214 g/mol26.148% HydrogenH90.7146 g/mol9023.2173% ...
Calculate the molar solubility of silver chloride, AgCl at 25{eq}^\circ {/eq}C in water. {eq}K_{sp} = 1.8 \times 10^{-10} {/eq}. Molar Solubility: The molar solubility of a compound can be estimated using the solubility product constant. However, t...
Johnson MC, Walker D (1993) Brucite [Mg(OH)2] dehydration and the molar volume of H2O to 15 GPa. Am Mineral 78(3-4):271-284Johnson, M.C., Walker, D., 1993. Brucite [Mg(OH) 2] dehydration and the molar volume of H20 to 15 GPa. American Mineralogist 78, 271-284....
CuCl2(2H20)的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由CuCl2(2H20)组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 銅Cu63.546 g/mol136.3599% 氯Cl70.906 g/mol240.5711% 氫H40.3176 g/mol4023.069% CuCl2(2H20) 元素 质量百分比氯70.906g氯70.906g銅63.546g銅63.546g氫40.3176g氫40.3176gCuCl2(2H20) 原子#氫40氫40氯2氯2...
FeSO4*C2H4(NH3)2SO4·4H20的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由FeSO4*C2H4(NH3)2SO4·4H20组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 鐵Fe55.845 g/mol114.2929% 硫S64.13 g/mol216.4133% 氧O127.9952 g/mol832.7588% 碳C24.0214 g/mol26.148% 氫H90.7146 g/mol9023.2173% ...
Na2HPO4*2H20 元素 质量百分比氧63.9976g氧63.9976g鈉45.9795g鈉45.9795g氫41.3255g氫41.3255g磷30.9738g磷30.9738gNa2HPO4*2H20 原子#氫41氫41氧4氧4鈉2鈉2磷1磷1 🛠️ 计算摩尔质量 指令 这个程序决定一种物质的分子量。输入物质的分子式,它将计算出元素的组合物和质量的化合物中的每个元素的总质量。
C13H20N2O2HCl的分子量 272.771 g/mol C13H20N2O2HCl的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由Procaine Hydrochloride - C13H20N2O2HCl组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 碳 C 156.1391 g/mol 13 57.2418% 氫 H 21.1667 g/mol 21 7.7599% 氮 N 28.0134 g/mol 2 10.2699% 氧 O 31.9988 g/mol 2 11.731...
Aspergillic Acid 元素 质量百分比碳144.128g碳144.128g氧31.9988g氧31.9988g氮28.0134g氮28.0134g氫20.1588g氫20.1588gC12H20O2N2 原子#氫20氫20碳12碳12氧2氧2氮2氮2 🛠️ 计算摩尔质量 指令 这个程序决定一种物质的分子量。输入物质的分子式,它将计算出元素的组合物和质量的化合物中的每个元素的总质量。
Cr(H20)2(C2O4)2的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由Cr(H20)2(C2O4)2组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 鉻 Cr 51.9961 g/mol 1 19.3761% 氫 H 40.3176 g/mol 40 15.0242% 碳 C 48.0428 g/mol 4 17.9029% 氧 O 127.9952 g/mol 8 47.6968% Cr(H20)2(C2O4)2 元素 质量百分比氧127.995g...