standard molar enthalpy of sublimationvapour pressuresbenzanthroneThe standard ( p o = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpy of combustion at T = 298.15 K of crystalline benzanthrone was determined as Δ c H m o =−(8114.7 ± 2.0) kJ · mol −1 by static-bomb calorimetry, and the standard molar ...
thestandardmolarenthalpyofcombustionofmorinatT一298.15 KwasdeterminedtobeAHl廿(CIsH1007‘H20,s)=一(5937.99 ±2.99)kJ·mol.Thederivedstandardmolarenthalpyofthefor_ mation ofmorin in solidpowder state at T = 298.15 K. △fl廿(c15H1o07·H2O,s),was一(1682.12±3.58)kJ·mol1, ...
The heat of com- bustion of morin (molecular formula, C15H10O7·H2O) in oxygen was measured by a rotating-bomb type combustion calorimeter, the standard molar enthalpy of combustion of morin at T = 298.15 K was determined to be △_cH_m~ (C15H10O7·H2O, s) =-(5 937.99 ±2.99) ...
Measurement of standard molar combustion enthalpy of methyl phenyl carbonate; 碳酸甲苯酯标准摩尔燃烧焓的测定 更多例句>> 4) Molar standard entropy of reaction 标准摩尔反应焓5) standard mole enthalpy of solution 标准摩尔溶解焓6) standard molar enthalpy function 标准摩尔焓函数补充...
4.The linear relationship between the gas phase standard enthalpies of formation and the substituent constants is discussed.讨论了气态摩尔标准生成焓与取代基常数间的线性关系。 5.Federal Flammability Standard美国联邦燃烧性标准 6.Study on combustion enthalpy of ionic liquid based on amino acid-BMIGlu氨基...
英文: A s a result of conversion,molar combustion heat of castor oil at constant pressur e is - 8.kJ·mol-,standard molar formation enthalpy is -8. kJ·mol -中文: 经恒压燃烧热换算与标准生成焓转换得到蓖麻油的恒压摩尔燃烧热为- 8.kJ/mol,标准摩尔生成焓为-8.kJ/mol。
1.Standard molar enthalpy of formation of Zn(Thr)2+ (aq, ∞) and that of Zn(Thr) Ac2 · 2H2O (s) were calculated to be (955.15K时在纯水中的溶解焓,计算了Zn(Thr)~(2+)(aq,∞)和Zn(Thr)Ac_2·2H_2O(s)的标准摩尔生成焓分别为(955。 2.Finally,standard molar enthalpy of formation...
The standard ( p =0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of crystalline thianthrene and monothiodibenzoylmethane, HDBMS, at T=298.15 K were measured by rotating-bomb calorimetry and the standard molar enthalpies of sublimation at T=298.15 K of dibenzoylmethane (HDBMO) and monothiodibenzoylme...
2) standard combustion enthalpy 标准燃烧焓3) standard molar enthalpy of formation 标准摩尔生成焓 1. Standard molar enthalpy of formation of Zn(Thr)2+ (aq, ∞) and that of Zn(Thr) Ac2 · 2H2O (s) were calculated to be (955. 15K时在纯水中的溶解焓,计算了Zn(Thr)~(2+)(aq,∞)...
teratT=(298.15~0.001)K.Thestandardmolarenthalpyofcombustionofthecompoundisderivedtobe△c (1一 CI2H25NH3·Br,s)= (7384. 52士3.28)kJ·tool一 fromtheconstant—volumeenergyofcombustion.Thestandardmolar enthalpyofformationofthecompoundiscalculatedt0beAfH~(1一CI2H25NH3·Br,s)=一(1317.86~3.67)kJ·tool...