A solution is prepared by dissolving 10g of non-volatile solute in 200g of water. It has a vapour pressure of 31.84 mm Hg at 308 K. Calculate the molar mass of the solute. (Vapour pressure of pure water at 308K =32 mm Hg)
β-catenin pathway. Additionally, it significantly reducedadipose tissuemass of mice by inhibition of SREBP-1c and activation of Wnt signals (Xu et al., 2014). View article Marine-derived bioactive compounds with anti-obesity effect: A review...
Body-mass index, kg/m2 28·2 (24·2–32·2) 27·1 (23·6–31·6) 27·4 (24·0–32·0) Disease characteristics Time from symptom onset to randomisation, days 3·5 (3·0–4·0) 3·0 (3·0–4·0) 3·0 (3·0–4·0) National Early Warning Score 2 0·3 (0·6) 0·4...
Vernderungen der Molmassen von Weizenkleberproteinen nach schwacher ProteolyseGluten and wheat flour are submitted to a weak proteolysis corresponding to the conditions for the application of enzymes in the baking industry. The substrates are dissolved in a mixture of acetic acid, urea and cetyl...
Shitao Han; Shuaiqiang Jia; Wei Xia*; Xueqing Xing; Ruijuan Qie; Haihong Wu*; Mingyuan He; Buxing Han*; A new strategy for mass production of single-atom catalysts for high performance of CO2 electrochemical reduction, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 455(1): 140595. Pengsong Li; ...
(11) Effect of glucose addition on the fate of urea-15N in the fixed ammonium and soil microbial biomass N pools, European Journal of Soil Biology, 2016, 通讯作者(12) 不同施肥制度对土壤固定态铵含量的影响, 生态学杂志, 2016, 通讯作者(13) 田埂宽度与种豆对稻田速效磷侧渗流失的影响, 土壤...
For this we must know the molar mass of each atom in the molecular formula. Answer and Explanation: Given molar mass = 88 g/mol Now we will find the molecular mass of the following molecular formula and for this we must the following molar......
1.Numerical investigation of hydrodynamics and mass transfer for in-line fiber arrays in laminar cross-flow at low Reynolds numbers. Chemical Engineering Science 2005 (60) 2.Manufacture of urea-based compound fertilizer by fluidized-granulation. Presentation at the 2004 IFA Technical Conference, 20-23...
尤宏,男,1961年生人,哈尔滨工业大学教授,博士生导师。国际水协会(IWA)会员,美国化学会(ACS)会员。现任哈工大(威海)海洋科学与技术学院院长,臭氧应用技术与设备开发黑龙江省重点实验室主任。 主要科研成就:主持和参加包括国家“973计划”课题、国家“863计划”课题、国家科技重大专项课题、省科技攻关项目、国际合作项目课...
br = broad. Coupling constants (J) are given in Hz. HR-ESI-MS results were recorded on a Bruker micrOTOF-Q III spectrometer. The detected mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) is given, as well as the calculated monoisotopic mass (SupplementaryInformation, Extended Dataset1and Extended Data Fig...