The current work provides a better understanding of the behavior of light components in DC.doi:10.1007/s00231-019-02586-1Troudi, HajerUniv SousseGhiss, MoncefUniv SousseEllejmi, MohamedAlpha Engn IntTourki, ZoubeirUniv SousseSpringer-VerlagHeat and Mass Transfer...
宋永臣.Mechanical properties of stratified hydrate-bearing sediments[A],2016 刘卫国,李洋辉,宋永臣,杨明军.Influence of porous media on methane hydrate formation from ice powders[A],2016 Yang, Mingjun,Zheng, Jianan,Liu, Weiguo,Liu, Yu,Song, Yongchen.Effects of C3H8 on hydrate formation and ...
105-109 蒋兰兰.Dynamic evolution of the CO2-brine interfacial area during brine imbibition in porous media[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,128:1125-1135 杨明军.Dynamic measurements of CO2 flow in water saturated porous medium at low temperature using MRI[A],The 11th ...
Higher molecular mass dextrans (particularly dextran 70, 75 and 110) are used to promote short-term expansion of plasma volume D. Dextrans used clinically are usually prepared by purification of the native molecule 查看完整题目与答案 关于云计算、大数据、物联网和人工智能之间的关系,以下描述...
of fluid distribution and flow properties in two phase fluid flow using X-ray CT technolo[J],HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,54(4):1217-1224 蒋兰兰.Assessment of fluid distribution and flow properties in two phase fluid flow using X-ray CT techno[J],HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,54(4):1217...