王帅,复旦大学化学系副研究员、硕士生导师,入选2023上海市白玉兰浦江人才计划,担任中国药学会药物化学专业委员会第十届委员会秘书、亚洲药物化学联盟《Asian Federation for Medicinal Chemistry》(AFMC)秘书、中国药学会药物化学专业委员会第十届委员会青年委员、上海市药...
Res. 18, 996–1003. (2023). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Jaggi, A. S. & Singh, N. Mechanisms in cancer-chemotherapeutic drugs-induced peripheral neuropathy. Toxicology 291, 1–9. (2012). Article...
期刊名称 Phytotherapy ResearchPHYTOTHER RES 期刊ISSN 0951-418X 期刊官方网站 是否OA No 出版商 John Wiley and Sons Ltd 出版周期 Monthly 文章处理费 登录后查看 始发年份 1987 年文章数 340 影响因子 6.1(2023) scijournal影响因子 greensci影响因子中科院...
a, Proportion of branches that are high G-to-A for a range of branch lengths in different countries. Data are from collection dates in 2022 and 2023 (submission dates up to June 2023).b, Branch length distributions for high G-to-A and other branches.c, Genomic distribution of mutations ...
The mechanism of copper transporters in ovarian cancer cells and the prospect of cuproptosis JiahuanGuo, ...GuoyanLiu, inJournal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2023 6Elesclomol ESis a novel copper transporter that binds Cu(II) outside the cell and releases Cu(I) into the cell (Fig. 1) [87]...
本刊已入选来源期刊,该刊创刊于2008年,出版周期Bimonthly。2021-2022年最新版WOS分区等级:Q2,2023年发布的影响因子为3.4,CiteScore指数7.6,SJR指数0.781。本刊非开放获取期刊。 《分子医学报告》是一份月刊,经同行评审,有纸质版和在线版,内容包括分子医学研究,重点关注药理学、病理学、遗传学、神经科学、传染病、...
2023, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Citation Excerpt : The Gasteiger-Huckel method was used to calculate the molecular charges, with the convergence criterion set at 0.005kcal/mol, and the molecular charges were optimized 10,000 times using the Powell energy gradient method under the ...
Mobilization of peripheral blood progenitor cells in patients with breast cancer: a prospective randomized trial comparing rhG-CSF with the combination of rhG-CSF plus rhEpo after VIP-E chemotherapy. Bone Marrow Transplant 1999; 24: 19–24. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Liles WC, Rodger E,...
As of February 2023, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 700 million confirmed cases and more than 6 million deaths, with unprecedented changes to global health and social structures worldwide. The efficacy of remdesivir [1,2], a prodrug of a nucleotide analog inhibiting viral RNA ...
Published12 January 2023 Issue DateMarch 2023 DOI Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Keywords Busulfan Condi...