A Minecraft Java Snapshot Marketplace A Minecraft Movie: Add-on Get the free add-on to gear up and fight piglins! 需要重新下载? 已拥有游戏,但需要启动器?在寻找 Linux 发行版或服务器文件?请查看“下载”页面。 前往“下载” 获取Minecraft 的最新消息!
8、【2021】MCBBS《Minecraft Java版账户迁移资讯总集 [截至8.26 第六批]》:https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1252431-1-1.html 9、【2020】MCBBS《Minecraft Java版现需微软账号进行购买》:https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1140362-1-1.html 10、【2020】【重要】【官方】关于账号迁移的公告:https://www.min...
直到最近,一些玩家仍然坚持使用他们的 Mojang 帐户来玩游戏。然而,到了 3 月 10 日,这种帐户将被停用。顺便说一句,玩《Minecraft: Java Edition》需要的微软帐户是免费的,而且过程相当简单。此外,《Minecraft》官方网站上的一篇博文指出,将 Mojang 帐户过渡到微软帐户为玩家提供了若干好处。 其中一些好处包括通过双重...
Brigadier is a command parser & dispatcher, designed and developed for Minecraft: Java Edition. Java3.5k398 DataFixerUpperDataFixerUpperPublic A set of utilities designed for incremental building, merging and optimization of data transformations. ...
Windows 11, Updated Java 8, any version before 1.19 Confirmation Status: Community Consensus ADO: 934642 Moderator Note This appears to be caused by a recent update to Nvidia's graphics drivers. To fix this issue, please download and install the newest driver atNvidia.com. For instructions on...
Java 3.5k 402 DataFixerUpper Public A set of utilities designed for incremental building, merging and optimization of data transformations. Java 1.2k 141 bedrock-samples Public Samples and assets for building Minecraft: Bedrock Edition add-ons 989 168 ore-ui Public 💎 Building blocks...
【分享】minecr..首先你要是正版玩家,其次你要用win10,然后登陆https://account.mojang.com/login登陆成功以后点击领取即可,也就是claim your free copy这时会自动跳转
Potential Workaround (Windows 10/11): Things to try first: Delete .minecraft folder:https://minecrafthopper.net/help/finding-minecraft-data-folder/ Change DNS: 1.21: Download Java 21:https://github.com/adoptium/temurin21-binaries/releases/download/jdk-21.0...
This is the classic Minecraft, complete with powerful servers, mods, and more that the more modern Bedrock Edition just doesn't have. And, while the Bedrock Edition is accessed using the same Microsoft Account across devices, the Java Edition requires its own Mojang Account. This is less ...
一些Java版快照中的特性可能暂时没有。 New Features 新增特性 Basalt Deltas 玄武岩三角洲 玄武岩三角洲现在可以在下界找到啦! 这个地方曾经有火山喷发,所以有大量的玄武岩柱和岩浆 当你在这里行走的时候,周围会出现白色灰烬的粒子效果 岩浆怪终于有一个真正的“家”了,因为在这里,生成几率会很大 在这里,一个新...