left to right) Chairman of CENDANA (Datuk Seri Ahmad Farid Ridzuan), Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak), Chief Secretary to the government (Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Ali bin Hamsa) and Founding CEO of CENDANA (Izan Satrina Dato' Mohd Sallehuddin...
HjMohdSharifuddinHjMdSalleh JalanPasarBaharu,Gadong,BE1318 BruneiDarussalam TelNo.+6732447992Fax:+6732447955 E-mail:info@voctechWebsite: http://.voctech SEAMEOVOCTECH RegionalCentreforVocationalandTechnical EducationandTraining MissionoftheCentre ToassistinstrengtheningtheVTETsystems ofSEAMEOmembercountriesby...