Even many years after his death, the man who was called "The Father of India" continues to inspire(激励) people around the world.② Gandhi was born into a large Hindu family on October 2nd, 1869. His father worked as a local government leader. He often fights with the British for the...
Gandhi is often called Mahatma -- the Hindu term for "great soul"... His middle name was Karamchand... Gandhi wed Kasturba Makhanji in 1883, in an arranged marriage; he was 13 at the time. They had five children and remained married for nearly 61 years, until her death in...
His death saddened people everywhere. Nearly a half million people were at his funeral. ⑤His efforts inspired great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela, and will continue to inspire people for many years to come.1. Which of the following does not describe Gandhi’s ...
Facts About Mahatma GandhiHere is a brief summary of some of the major facts associated with Mahatma Gandhi. These facts highlight some of the major achievements of Mohandas Gandhi and provide valuable information on Mahatama Gandhi. Birth: October 2, 1869 Death: January 30, 1948 Place of ...
Gandhi worked tirelessly to solve the problem and reached a number of peace agreements. No one else was able to do this at that time.④On January 30th, 1948, Gandhi was shot to death and left the world. His death saddened people everywhere. Nearly a million people were at his funeral....
MahatmaGandhi,ApostleofNonviolence: AnIntroduction ByJohnDear WhenMahatmaGandhiwasassassinatedonJanuary30,1948,theworldhailed himasoneofthegreatestspiritualleaders,notjustofthecentury,butofalltime.Hewas rankednotjustwithThoreau,Tolstoy,andSt.Francis,butwithBuddha,Mohammedand ...
His death made people everywhere sad. Nearly a million people were at his funeral.⑤His efforts inspired great leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela,and will continue to inspire people for many years.(C)34. What made Gandhi realise that he should gain the right for the ...
After the death of Gandhiji's father in 1885, a family suggested that if Gandhiji hoped to take his father's place in the state service he had better become a barrister which he could do in England in three years. Gandhi welcomed the idea but his mother was objected to the idea of ...
On Jan. 30, 1948, while holding a prayer and pacification meeting at New Delhi, he was fatally shot by a Hindu fanatic who was angered by Gandhi's solicitude for the Muslims. After his death his methods of nonviolent civil disobedience were adopted by protagonists of civil rights in the ...
Even many years after his death, the man who was called "The Father of India" continues to inspire(激励) people around the world.②Gandhi was born into a large Hindu family on October 2d, 1869. His father worked as a local government leader. He often fights with the British for the ...