沙特领导人,王储Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud宣布明年举办电竞世界杯,地点利雅得。具体项目还没有公布,但这件事是在利雅得的The New Global Sport峰会上发布的。与会的游戏厂商包括来自中国的Moonton,EA,索尼,育碧。另外LGD Gaming的创始人 Ruru,VSPO的CEO 应书岭,虎牙的COO Prince Chen也有参加这个会议。 #沙特举办...
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Mohammed bin Salman facilitated the exchange involving the American journalist, the Russian president has said Sep 5, 2024 08:51 Putin and bin Salman emphasize importance of OPEC+ cooperation The Russian president has discussed bilateral relations with the Saudi Crown Prince Jul 18, 2024 11:...
MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN: THE ICARUS OF SAUDI ARABIA?doi:10.15584/polispol.2022.2.15Pietrasik, KamilStudies in Politics & Society / Polityka & Spoeczeństwo
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has announced a huge new zero-carbon city to be built at NEOM in northwestern Saudi Arabia. The project named “The Line” will be home to a million people and have no cars and no streets, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in a video released on Sunday. ...
Mohammed bin Salman王子殿下宣布成立Soudah开发公司(SDC)来源:美国商业资讯中文版 【Mohammed bin Salman王子殿下宣布成立Soudah开发公司(SDC)】王储、副总理兼公共投资基金(PIF)主席Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud王子殿下宣布在沙特阿拉伯阿西尔地区成立Soudah开发公司(SDC)。http://t.cn/A6tKXIIl ...
沙特阿拉伯利雅得--(美国商业资讯)--沙特阿拉伯王国王储、德拉伊耶门发展局(DGDA)董事长Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud殿下任命Gerard “Jerry” Inzerillo出任发展局首席执行官,领导一项旨在恢复沙特王国历史发源地的变革性计划。 此新闻稿包含多媒体内容。完整新闻稿可在以下网址查阅:http://www.businesswir...
使用思维导图阅读最新一期经济学人书评《A biography of Saudi Arabia’s Machiavellian ruler》本篇文章讨论的是《MBS: The Rise to Power of Mohammed Bin Salman》这本书,讲述了沙特王子权力之路,开篇介绍了电影黑豹在沙特首家商业电影院上映的盛大场景,作者便提出沙
Crown PrinceMohammed bin Salmanmarkets himself as a domestic reformer with the ambition to unleash the potential of 32 million Saudi citizens. Given the immense social and political challenges Saudi Arabia faces, one is inclined to give MBS, as he is called, the benefit of the doubt. What if...
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent a congratulatory message to Vladimir Putin on Victory DayThe statement was routine but Saudi Arabia is breaking with the US on Russia once again 发布于 2022-05-09 19:43 1 分享收藏 举报 ...