拜登将沙特王储名字说成三文鱼。穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)的名字说成“穆罕默德·本·三文鱼“(Mohammed bin Salmon) #拜登 #沙特 #g20现场 #印度 - Dr.Zhang F于20230909发布在抖音,已经收获了317.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
使用思维导图阅读最新一期经济学人书评《A biography of Saudi Arabia’s Machiavellian ruler》本篇文章讨论的是《MBS: The Rise to Power of Mohammed Bin Salman》这本书,讲述了沙特王子权力之路,开篇介绍了电影黑豹在沙特首家商业电影院上映的盛大场景,作者便提出沙
沙特阿拉伯王储Mohammed bin Salman 宣布了The Line 造城计划:一座170公里,500米高,宽度仅200米,犹如一堵巨大墙体的城市将承载900万人的生活,采用可再生能源,建筑立面通体镜面,横在沙漠与海之间。 抢首评 1 发布时间:2022-08-02 11:30 短毛蓬蓬熊 粉丝79获赞1195...
bin Salman interrupted, “we’ll be serving din din in a few, Chop Suey ala Saudi style. You keep kosher, nu?” Nodding my head no and feeling nauseous I coughed this up: “Your Crownishness, do excuse my boldness here at the Western Wing of Israeli expansionism but the senator use...
Mohammed bin Salman:We have extremists who forbid mixing between the two sexes and are unable to differentiate between a man and a woman alone together and their being together in a workplace. Many of those ideas contradict the way of life during the time of the prophet and the Caliphs. ...
Gee, Wonder Why Mohammed Bin Salman Personally Intervened to Give Jared Kushner $2 Billion Advisers for the Saudi Arabian foreign wealth fund didn't want to infuse Kushner's private equity firm with cash. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman did it anyway ...
Mohammed bin Salmandoi:10.1515/9781685851057D. OttawayLynne Rienner Publishers
沙特阿拉伯利雅得--(美国商业资讯)--沙特阿拉伯王国王储、德拉伊耶门发展局(DGDA)董事长Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud殿下任命Gerard “Jerry” Inzerillo出任发展局首席执行官,领导一项旨在恢复沙特王国历史发源地的变革性计划。 Inzerillo是一位成就非凡的旅游梦想家,被选中负责监督德拉伊耶的修复工作,并开发...
沙特副王储萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)在7日接受《经济学人》采访时表示,沙特政府正在考虑是否出售沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)的股权,在低油价时代通过私有化进程筹得资金。萨勒曼未说明政府会出售多少沙特阿美股份。沙特阿美拥有原油储量约2650亿桶,占全世界
The change going on in the Kingdom the past few years has been as breathtaking as Mohammed bin Salman’s ascent. He’s reined-in the religious police who enforced strict rules of public behavior, given more freedom to women -- they can start their own businesses and will soon be permitted...