弹性模量的一些常识性规律 弹性模量越低,变形量相对越大,刚度越小,材料易发生变形柔性越好;弹性模量越高,材料发生弹性模量变形相对越小,刚度大,材料不易变形,脆性越强。弹性模量可视为衡量材料产生弹性变形难易程度的指标,其值越大,使材料发生一定弹性变形的应力也越大,即材料刚度越大,亦即在一定应力作用下,发生...
Young's modulus of elasticity 杨氏弹性模量 adiabatic modulus of elasticity 绝热弹性模量,绝热弹性模量 bulk modulus of elasticity 体积弹性模量 dynamic modulus of elasticity 动弹性模量,动弹性模数,动力弹性模量 secant modulus of elasticity 正割弹性模量 variable modulus of elasticity 可变弹性模数 secon...
Young's modulus assess how a polymer responds to external forces. See typical stiffness values for various plastics to guide your material selection.
Young's Modulus, Modulus of Elasticity, Shear Modulus, Poisson's Ratio, DensityMetals and Materials Table of ContentsModulus of Elasticity also know as Young's Modulus is the mathematical description of an object or substance's tendency to be deformed elastically (i.e., non-permanently) when ...
①Young’s modulus(Modulus of Elasticity)②Modulus of rigidity(Shear modulus) ③Bulk modulus(体积模量)④Poisson’s Ratio(泊松比)只要已知其中两个,就可以计算弹性模量:E=2G(1+v)=3K(1-2v)E:Modulus of Elasticity、G:Shear modulus、K:Bulk modulus、v:Poisson’s Ratio。杨氏模量(E)是拉伸...
杨氏模量(Young's modulus),又称拉伸模量(tensile modulus),是衡量物质材料在弹性范围内抗拉或抗压能力的物理量。这一概念由英国医生兼物理学家托马斯·杨(Thomas Young)在1807年首次提出并研究,因此得名。杨氏模量描述了固体材料抵抗形变的能力,是弹性模量(elastic modulus or modulus o...
Know what is modulus of elasticity @BYJU’S. Modulus of elasticity is also known as Young’s Modulus is the mechanical property of a material to withstand the compression or the elongation with respect to its length.
Modulus of Elasticity, Young's Modulus For Common Engineering Materials TableEngineering Metals and Materials Table of Contents The following chart gives ultimate strength, yield point and modulus of elasticity data for steel and iron. Engineering Material...
杨氏模量(Young's modulus)是描述固体材料抵抗形变能力的物理量。杨氏模量又称拉伸模量(tensile modulus)是弹性模量(elastic modulus or modulus of elasticity)中最常见的一种。当一条长度为L、截面积为S的金属丝在力F作用下伸长ΔL时,F/S叫应力,其物理意义是金属丝单位截面积所受到的力;ΔL/L叫应变,...