美 英 un.木材弹性模量 英汉 un. 1. 木材弹性模量
modulus of elasticity of wood 木材弹性模量相关短语 yield condition (试验材料的弹性弯度等) 屈服条件 Brewster (光弹性单位) 布鲁斯特 pocket rot (木材的) 腐孔 viscoelastic fluid (即粘弹性流体) 麦克斯韦流体 butt diameter (木材的) 粗端直径 effective absorption(木材等) 有效吸水量 dead knot (木材的) ...
In the simplest terms, the modulus of elasticity (MOE) measures a wood’s stiffness, and is a good overall indicator of its strength. Modulus of elasticity (MOE) testing Technically it’s a measurement of the ratio of stress placed upon the wood compared to the strain (deformation) that ...
In the present study,the rapid prediction of wood modulus of elasticity (MOE) of by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is described. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and conventional mechanical testing methods were used to measure modulus of elasticity of small clear wood samples of . After collecting...
【弹性模量】(Modulus of Elasticity):材料拉伸至其两倍长度或压缩至其一半长度所需的一种假设应力。木材的弹性模量数值单位以兆帕(Mpa)或牛顿/毫米²(N/mm²)表示。 【断裂模量】(Modulus od Rupture):在最大负荷下纤维所受的应力,它是用于结构设计的一个常数,等于木件加载受到破坏的数值。
[Abstract]Themodulusofelasticityofthesamewoodwastestedviastaticmethodandstresswave method,thenanalysedthereasonofdifferentresultsoftwowaysandlinearfittothethem,foundthat thereisagoodcorrelationbetweenthetwomethods,onthebasisofthis,thedevelopmenttrendofnon destructivetestingtechnologyisstated. [Keywords]nondestructivete...
number and heat expansion coefficient are common for the whole group of materials. mitcalc.com 同樣張力的彈性模數,泊松 系數和熱膨脹系數對于整個材料組是普通的。 mitcalc.com The strengths and modulus of elasticity for western red cedar posts and timbers are also given in the Wood Design Manua...
unrelaxed modulus of elasticity 非松弛的弹性模数 modulus of elasticity of wood 木材弹性模量 apparent modulus elasticity 【机】 虚表弹性模数, 视弹性模数 modulus of direct elasticity 【机】 纵向弹性模数, 扬氏率, 扬氏系数 modulus of elasticity of volume 【机】 容积弹性模数 modulus of travers...
美 英 un.弹性模量;弹性系数 英汉 un. 1. 弹性模量 2. 弹性系数 例句 更多例句筛选
bulk modulus of elasticity 体积弹性模量 adiabatic modulus of elasticity 绝热弹性模量,绝热弹性模量 dynamic modulus of elasticity 动弹性模量,动弹性模数,动力弹性模量 secant modulus of elasticity 正割弹性模量 variable modulus of elasticity 可变弹性模数 modulus of elasticity of wood 木材弹性模量 appar...