ch 3.4 The Modulus Function绝对值函数 TheModulusFunction “TeachALevelMaths”Vol.2:A2CoreModules 16:TheModulusFunction TheModulusFunction Themodulusfunctioniswrittenas f(x)x.Wereaditas“modx”or“absx”.Absxstandsfortheabsolutevalueofx;thevalueofxignoringanynegativesigns.e.g.44and 4...
TheModulusFunction “TeachALevelMaths”Vol.2:A2CoreModules 16:TheModulusFunction TheModulusFunction Themodulusfunctioniswrittenasf(x)x.Wereaditas“modx”or“absx”.Absxstandsfortheabsolutevalueofx;thevalueofxignoringanynegativesigns.e.g.44and44 f(x)xcanbedefinedformallyas f(x)xforx0 f(x)x for...
How to draw modulus graphs, The Modulus Function, How to find the coordinates of where a modulus graph crosses the coordinate axes, A Level Maths
内容提示: The Modulus Function16: The Modulus Function“Teach A Level Maths”Vol. 2: A2 Core Modules 文档格式:PPT | 页数:45 | 浏览次数:18 | 上传日期:2017-07-27 09:45:40 | 文档星级: The Modulus Function16: The Modulus Function“Teach A Level Maths”Vol. 2: A2 Core Modules ...
A modulus function is a function which always gives positive output. Learn in detail the domain and range values along with how to plot it in a graph with an example, at BYJU’S.
Determine Young’s modulus, when 2 N/m2stress is applied to produce a strain of 0.5. Solution: Given:Stress, σ = 2 N/m2 Strain, ε = 0.5 Young’s modulus formula is given by, E = σ / ϵ = 2 / 0.5 =4 N/m2 Example 2 ...
ch 3.4 The Modulus Function绝对值函数 TheModulusFunction “TeachALevelMaths”Vol.2:A2CoreModules 16:TheModulusFunction TheModulusFunction Themodulusfunctioniswrittenas f(x)x.Wereaditas“modx”or“absx”.Absxstandsfortheabsolutevalueofx;thevalueofxignoringanynegativesigns.e.g.44and 4...
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