Fock V., Rosly A., Moduli space of flat connections as a Poisson manifold, Advances in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics: 2nd Italian-Russian collaboration (Como, 1996). Internat. J. Modern Phys. B 11 (1997), no. 26-27:3195-3206....
We consider the moduli space of flat G-bundles over the twodimensional torus, where G is a real, compact, simple Lie group which is not simply connected. We show that the connected components that describe topologically non-trivial bundles are isomorphic as symplectic spaces to moduli spaces of...
section we firstly remind some simple results from the theory of the Heisenberg double. 2 Then the deformation of the physical phase space of the Hamiltonian lattice Yang-Mills theory is described and the relation to the moduli space of flat connections and to the ...
of integers 46:05 On vertex-transitive graphs with a unique hamiltonian circle 51:10 Learning Tasks in the Wasserstein Space 55:54 Influence of the endothelial surface layer on the motion of red blood cells 51:22 Effect of Dependence on the Convergence of Empirical Wasserstein Distance 59:08 ...
{N}}=2^*theory compactified on a segment with BPS boundary condition on the left and the right. This moduli space is described by the moduli space of flat connections on punctured torus [DW], which in this work we shall treat algebraically as the Calogero–Moser space [E]. The latter ...
The Symplectic Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Connections and Geometric Quantization The author studies the moduli space M of flat connections on a principal G-bundle P on a Riemann surface Σ, where G is some compact Lie group, from a symp... Hitchin,J Nigel - 《Progress of Theoretical Physi...
Bohr-sommerfeld orbits in the moduli space of flat connections and the Verlinde dimension formula We show how the moduli space of flatSU(2) connections on a two-manifold can be quantized in the real polarization of [15], using the methods of [6]. The di... Lisa,C.,JeffreyJonathan,.....
...33 3.5CalculationoftheMorseIndices...38 4TheModuliSpaceofFlatSp(2n,R)-connections41 4.1Milnor-WoodTypeInequalities...41 4.1.1AProofUsingHiggsBundles...41 4.1.2TheExtremalCase...43 4.2TheComponentsofM Sp(4,R) ...46 i ii 4.2.1StatementoftheResult...46 4.2.2StrategyofProof...48 4.2...
We analyze the moduli space of non-flat homogeneous affine connections on surfaces. For Type A surfaces, we write down complete sets of invariants that determine the local isomorphism type depending on the rank of the Ricci tensor and examine the structure of the associated moduli space. For Typ...
(1) becomes an R-symmetry. Each of these is associated with a line bundle over the moduli space. In principle, the right-movingU(1)_Rcould be combined with the left-movingU(1) to get a distinct R symmetry and a new bundle; however, the embedding of the worldsheet theory in the ...