Can reload its symbols and describe itself. Module descriptions are displayed in the Modules window of the IDE. Is represented by anIDebugModule2interface, created by a debug engine to describe the module. See also Debugger concepts IDebugModule2...
在Visual Studio 调试期间,“模块”窗口列出并显示有关应用使用的 DLL 和可执行文件( .exe 文件)的信息。 备注 “模块”窗口不适用于 SQL 或脚本调试。 使用“模块”窗口 若要在调试时打开“模块”窗口,请选择“调试”>“窗口”>“模块”(或按 Ctrl + Alt + U) 。
Modules Window in Visual Studio 2010發行項 2010/06/09 I went to pull up the modules window in VS2010, but I couldn’t find it. Maybe I did something to remove/hide it from the menu, but if you’re in this situation, you can still get to it by pressing Ctrl-Alt-U....
By default, the Modules window sorts modules by load order. However, you can choose to sort by any column.To sort by any columnClick the button at the top of the column. You can load symbols or specify a symbol path from the Modules window by using the shortcut menu.Loading...
When you are debugging a large application, using theModules windowcan be difficult because there are a lot of modules in the process.As a result, users have requested that we add search capability to the modules window to make it easier to find your modules.In Visual Studio 2013, we have...
介面(Visual Studio 偵錯) 核心介面 核心介面 IDebugActivateDocumentEvent2 IDebugBeforeSymbolSearchEvent2 IDebugBoundBreakpoint2 IDebugBreakEvent2 IDebugBreakpointBoundEvent2 IDebugBreakpointChecksumRequest2 IDebugBreakpointErrorEvent2 IDebugBreakpointEvent2 IDebugBreakpointRequest2 IDebugBreakpointRequest3 IDebug...
CMake projects. One caveat for this early support, is that you must use the Visual Studio (MSBuild) generator. If you want to try it out, you candownload the latest preview of Visual Studiotoday. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback about how modules work in your CMake ...
This preview only supports C++ modules in the IDE for MSBuild projects. While the MSVC toolset is supported by any build system, Visual Studio’s IDE support for CMake doesn’t support C++ modules yet. We will let you know once it is! As always, please try it out and let us know if...
I have used vscode 1.41.1 on my mac for a few months and it worked good until I started to use go modules for dependency management. At the moment I am rewriting a simple tool and introduce packages for separate functionalities. My code structure looks like this: ...