11 * @perm is 0 if the the variable is not to appear in sysfs, or 0444 12 * for world-readable, 0644 for root-writable, etc. Note that if it 13 * is writable, you may need to use kparam_block_sysfs_write() around 14 * accesses (esp. charp, which can be kfreed when it c...
module_exit(word_count_exit); module_param(worldNum,int,0644); module_param(worldName,charp,0644); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Mstar <@>"); 先来看下效果: shell@coconut:/data/local # insmod hello_world.ko [ 122.774769] word_count_init_sucess [ 122.778314] worldNum=61 , wo...
static int times; module_param(who,charp,0644); module_param(times,int,0644); static int __init hello_init(void) { int i; for(i = 1;i <= times;i++) printk("%d %s!\n",i,who); return 0; } static void __exit hello_exit(void) { printk("Goodbye,%s!\n",who); } module_...
static unsigned short size = 1; module_param(size, ushort, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(size, “The size in inches of the fishing pole” “connected to this computer.” ); 2 module_param源码剖析 #define module_param(name, type, perm) \ module_param_named(name, name, type, perm) 由此可知...
限制参数访问权限:默认情况下,所有用户都可以读写/sys/module/your_module/parameters/目录下的文件。为了防止恶意用户篡改参数,可以考虑使用module_param宏的第三个参数来指定参数的访问权限。例如,module_param(your_var, S_IRUGO, 0644);将确保只有属主可读写该参数,而其他用户只能读取。
static int my_param = 0; module_param(my_param, int, 0644); device_param(my_param, int, 0644); 复制代码 在这个例子中,my_param是一个整数类型的参数,它的默认值是0,可以通过命令行传递给它,如insmod my_module.ko my_param=1。 需要注意的是,设备树中的参数是通过设备树的属性(properties)来访问...
module_param(who,charp,0644); module_param(times,int,0644); static int __init hello_init(void) { int i; for(i = 1;i <= times;i++) printk("%d %s!\n",i,who); return 0; } static void __exit hello_exit(void) { printk("Goodbye,%s!\n",who); ...
module_param(target_pid, int, 0644); static void print_task_info(unsigned int pid) { struct task_struct *task; for_each_process(task) { if (task->pid == pid) { printk("Found: %s, PID: %d, TGID: %d\n", task->comm, task->pid, task->tgid); ...
module_param_string(path, fw_path_para, sizeof(fw_path_para), 0644);网上查了下,说是为可以在用户空间设置参数。特地的看了下代码实现 文件路径: include/linux/moduleparam.h #define module_param_string(name, string, len, perm) \ static const struct kparam_string __param_string_##name \ =...
module_param(size, ushort, 0644); MODULE_PARM_DESC(size, “The size in inches of the fishing pole” “connected to this computer.” ); module_param() 和module_param_array() 的作用就是让那些全局变量对insmod 可见,使模块装载时可重新赋值。