1. 确认'vite'包是否已正确安装 首先,您需要确认vite包是否已经在您的项目中安装。您可以通过打开命令行工具(如CMD、PowerShell或终端),并切换到您的项目目录下,然后运行以下命令来检查vite是否已安装: bash npm list vite # 或者如果您使用yarn yarn list vite 如果vite没有列出在已安装的包中,那么您需要安装...
Would you check if this also reproduces on pure Vite with https://github.com/nuxt-contrib/vue3-ssr-starter? Member Author warflash commented Sep 28, 2022 • edited @danielroe It does work fine with pure vite: https://github.com/warflash/vue3-ssr-starter. It also works fine on rc8...
Environment [vite-node] [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND] Reproduction [vite-node] [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND] Describe the bug [vite-node] [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND] Additional context No response Logs No response
确认你的项目配置文件(如tsconfig.json、babel.config.js等)是否包含了正确的模块解析配置。 如果你使用的是构建工具(如Webpack、Vite等),检查构建配置是否正确设置了模块路径别名或解析规则。 检查环境变量: 如果你的项目依赖于环境变量来解析模块路径,确保这些环境变量在运行时已正确设置。 清理和重建: 尝试清理项目...
尽管如此,在webpack/rollup/vite等(测试)的情况下,一切都会很好。 要使它与节点一起工作,您必须使用commonjs以避免使用esm,或者只需将文件扩展名更改为.mjs或在package.json中添加"type": "module",然后运行: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 node src/main.mjs 或 代码语言:...
Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '\node_modules\echarts\core' imported from \.vite-ssg-temp\main.mjs Did you mean to import echarts@5.3.0/node_modules/echarts/core.js? If I try to add ‘.js’ to the end of all the echarts imports the error changes to : ...
vite新建vue3项目及安装插件笔记 vitevue3笔记插件配置 安装了才能使用 import { resolve } from 'path';,否则会报错: vite Cannot find module 'path' or its corresponding type declarations. wade 2023/09/01 6880 创建Vue3项目 yarnnpmnode.jsjavascript打包 一,使用Vue图形界面方式创建项目,打开控制台,输入...
Update : There is a new build tool "Vite" that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects. Its is a plug and play tool, requires very less configuration. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Nov 20, 2021 at 4:24 answered Feb ...
Nonetheless, everything will work fine with webpack/rollup/vite etc. (tested). To make it work with node, you'd have to either use commonjs to avoid using esm or just switch to ES modules by changing your file extensions to .mjs or by adding "type": "module" in your packa...
It needs fixing on our part to work, but it might take time and noExternal should work fine in meanwhile. Thank you, I can confirm it works with: // page/.vitepress/config.mjsvite:{ssr:{noExternal:['my-theme']}}