指定路径或全局路径(例如./src/**/components) alias:别名的配置。也可以别名node_modules依赖关系,而不仅仅是本地文件。 extensions:解析器中使用的扩展数组。覆盖默认扩展名(['.js', '.jsx', '.es', '.es6', '.mjs'])。 cwd:默认情况下,工作目录是用于解析器的工作目录,但是您可以覆盖您的项目。 自...
.babelrc(babel-plugin-module-resolver) [ "module-resolver", { "root": ["./"], "alias": { "@Common": "./common", "@Components": "./components", "@Server": "./server" } } ] tsconfig.json(tsconfig-paths) "baseUrl": "./", "paths": { "@Common/*": ["./common/*"], "@...
指定路径或全局路径(例如./src/**/components) alias:别名的配置。也可以别名node_modules依赖关系,而不仅仅是本地文件。 extensions:解析器中使用的扩展数组。覆盖默认扩展名(['.js','.jsx','.es','.es6','.mjs'])。 cwd:默认情况下,工作目录是用于解析器的工作目录,但是您可以覆盖您的项目。 自定义值b...
Star Here are 9 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All dword-design/eslint-plugin-import-alias Sponsor Star61 Code Issues Pull requests An ESLint plugin that enforces the use of import aliases. Also supports autofixing.
eslint plugins for module-alias resolver. Latest version: 0.1.0, last published: 7 years ago. Start using eslint-import-resolver-module-alias in your project by running `npm i eslint-import-resolver-module-alias`. There are no other projects in the npm r
This configuration can come directly from babel, which would use the tsconfig.json file using the existing configurations to apply both the alias and other configurations Describe alternatives you've considered I looked for other plugins to use as a solution, but none at a level of excellence to...
["module-resolver", {"root": ["./src"],"alias": {"test":"./test","underscore":"lodash"} }] ] } .babelrc.js versionSpecify the plugin in your.babelrc.jsfile with the custom root or alias. Here's an example: const plugins = [ ...
在 MQTT 发布/订阅模式介绍这篇博客中,我们已经了解到,我们需要先向服务端发起订阅,才能从服务端接收...
resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.json'], // 确保包含你的文件扩展名 alias: { // 你可以在这里设置别名,如果有使用的话 '@components': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components/') }, modules: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'), 'node_modules'] // 指定模块解析的目录 }, //... }; ...