模块文档字符串(module docstring)是Python模块或包的开头部分的一个字符串,用于描述该模块的功能、用法和注意事项。它是用三重引号(""" 或''')括起来的文本块,通常位于模块的最顶部。 2. 为什么会出现“missing module docstring (missing-module-docstring)”错误或警告? 当Python代码检查工具(如Pylint)检测到某...
我遵循了 此 链接的解决方案。我编辑了用户设置并添加了 "python.linting.pylintArgs": [ "--extension-pkg-whitelist=pygame", "--unsafe-load-any-extension=y" ] 到json文件的末尾 pygame 问题已解决。但是,当我使用 import random 时。我收到此警告: 缺少模块 docstringpylint(缺少模块文档字符串) 我怎样...
"python.linting.pylintArgs":["--disable=missing-module-docstring","--disable=missing-class-docstring","--disable=missing-function-docstring"], 如图: 然后保存即可。
yum install zlib yum install zlib-devel 安装完成后,重新编译 python 不需要删除,只需要...
我在VSCode上使用pygame模块,遇到了pygame没有初始化成员的问题。我遵循了this链接的解决方案。我编辑了用户设置并添加了 "python.linting.pylintArgs": [ "--unsafe-load-any-extension=y" ] 到json文件的末尾。 pygame问题已解决。但是,当我使用import random时。我得到这样的警告: 缺少模块docstring Missing (mis...
The file for my packages server entrypoint has a module docstring but because of this issue, Support publishing with JSX, I had to manually add pragma comments before it. The Configuring JSX in Deno documentation says that pragma comment...
概述:manage.py missing module docstring (Pylint)→Add module docstring to manage.py template comment:4byTim Graham <timograham@…>,6年 ago 处理结果:→fixed 状态:assigned→closed Ine5ae9488: Fixed#30069-- Added docstring to manage.py template. ...
Imagine this file: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 name> -*- """Some module docstring.""" def foobar(): pass Running yapf on it produces this diff: --- yapf.py (original) +++ yapf.py (reformatted) @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ #!/usr/bin/env...
昵称:lexus 园龄:17年8个月 粉丝:239 关注:6 +加关注 短小精悍的python docstring as test的例子 doctest module,写优雅代码必备 def a(): """ >>> a() 1 """ #print "a" return 1 if __name__=="__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() ...
$ pylint a/c/y.py *** Module y a/c/y.py:1:0: C0114: Missing module docstring (missing-module-docstring) a/c/y.py:1:0: E0401: Unable to import 'a.b' (import-error) a/c/y.py:1:0: W0611: Unused x imported from a.b (unused-import) Expected behavior $ pylint a/c/y...