针对你遇到的“module 'umap' has no attribute 'umap'”问题,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认umap库已正确安装: 首先,确保你已经正确安装了umap库。通常,umap指的是UMAP(Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection)算法的实现库,常用于降维。你可以通过以下命令来安装它(如果你还没有安装的话): bas...
AttributeError: module 'umap' has no attribute 'umap'AttributeError: module 'umap' has no attribute 'umap' 这是一个常见的 Python 错误,通常发生在您尝试使用一个模块中没有定义的函数或属性时。这种错误通常是由于您的模块或包与您正在使用的模块或包不匹配或包含错误的导入所致。 在这种情况下,umap是一...
0d9279bde351> in <module> 5 tasks_pca = pca.transform(array_of_tasks) 6 ---> 7 mapper = umap.UMAP(n_components=3).fit(abstract_pca) 8 abstract_umap = mapper.transform(abstract_pca) 9 tasks_umap = mapper.transform(tasks_pca) AttributeError: module 'umap' has no attribute 'UMAP' ...
I tried to run the example code published at https://www.kaggle.com/jack89roberts/the-journey-of-an-image-through-a-neural-network/notebook, but I got a error: "module 'umap' has no attribute 'UMAP'" Here is the information. Input...Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users...
Hi there I am trying to run umap and i get the error: module 'umap' has no attribute 'version' I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling umap-learn however this hasn't worked - would anyone be able to advise me how to fix this issue? I ...
When trying to import umap: --- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-176-93137e0fcb10> in <module> ---> 1 import umap ~/py36venv/lib/pyth...
I am having a hard time installing umap.plot. My goal is to make the interactive plot here. I am using iOS Mojave 10.14.5, umap-learn 0.3.10, Python 3.7.4. Thanks!
umap-learn, arboreto, pyscenic Successfully installed MarkupSafe-2.1.2 aiohttp-3.8.4 aiosignal-1.3.1 arboreto-0.1.6 async-timeout-4.0.2 attrs-23.1.0 bokeh-3.1.1 boltons-23.0.0 certifi-2023.5.7 charset-normalizer-3.1.0 click-8.1.3 cloudpickle-2.2.1 contourpy-1.0.7 ctxcore-0.2.0 cytoolz...
/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-93e80842-d379-4382-98d4-c52182c44d63/lib/python3.8/site-packages/umap/umap_.py:660: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently...