Tooltip error being this syntax requires an imported helper but module 'tslib' cannot be found. Note that it doesn't prevent the project from being transpiled. TSLib 1.5.0 is in my package.json dependencies section, and it's in node_modules. tsconfig has importHelpers = true. Since it's...
首先,检查你的项目依赖列表(通常是 package.json 文件)中是否包含 tslib。 如果没有,你需要安装它。可以使用以下命令通过 npm 安装 tslib: bash npm install tslib 安装完成后,node_modules 文件夹中应包含 tslib 文件夹,且 package-lock.json 或yarn.lock 文件中也应记录该依赖。 若已安装但仍出现错误: 检...
index.js:3:8 - error TS2354: This syntax requires an imported helper but module'tslib'cannot be found. 3 const {ArgumentParser} = require('argparse');~~~ Found 1 error. Playground Link: Related Issues...
To solve the error "This syntax requires an imported helper but module 'tslib' cannot be found", install tslib by running `npm install -D tslib@latest`.
semantic error TS2354: This syntax requires an imported helper but module 'tslib' cannot be found. 解决方法找到报错的行,发现该代码使用了async/await语法。async preloadResource(url?:string){ if(this._resourceReady){ return; } ... } 去掉async,await用then/catch重写,然后重新...
The errorcannot find module '@angular/core'occurs when the@angular/corepackage can’t be found on your computer. To resolve the error, try installing the package with thenpm installcommand. If the package is installed but the error persists, then set thebaseUrlparameter intsconfig.jsonfile and...
Error: Cannot find module '@nx/nx-darwin-arm64' npm ERR! Require stack: npm ERR! - /Users/username/projects/abc/project-name/node_modules/nx/src/native/index.js npm ERR! - /Users/username/projects/abc/project-name/node_modules/nx/src/hasher/node-task-hasher-impl.js npm ERR! - /...
I got the Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'tslib' I prepared a small demo for you to be able to reproduce the issue: Actually, it is just standard cli-generated start project with three lines of code added: import {ethers} from 'ethers'; ...