I am facing an error in my react app, not sure where the error itself is coming from and the code seems to be clean and bug-free and also following best practices. Error Log Failedto compile. ./src/components/CourseList.jsx74:14Moduleparsefailed:Unexpectedtoken (74:14)Youma...
报错: ./src/index.js1:40Moduleparse failed:Unexpectedtoken(1:40)Filewas processed with these loaders:*./node_modules/@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/loader/index.js*./node_modules/react-scripts/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.jsYoumay need an additional loader to handle the result of...
How to fix error “Failed to compile : ./node_modules/@react-leaflet/core/esm/path.js 10:41 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (10:41)” https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67552020/how-to-fix-error-failed-to-compile-node-modules-react-leaflet-core-esm-pat https://github.com/PaulLeCa...
When I installreactflow(v11.2.0), I get the following error when I just import anything from that library: ./node_modules/@reactflow/minimap/dist/esm/index.js 100:27 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (100:27) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type....
Module parse failed: Unexpected token Reactjs?, The solution is just either add babel + babel-loader to your project or switch file to ts format would resolve your issue. Here is the basic steps if you go for babel anyway: Install packages needed: npm i -D @babel/core @babel/cli @bab...
I'm using this with CRNA and there is a build error on npm run web: ERROR in ./node_modules/react-native-web-linear-gradient/src/index.js Module parse failed: Unexpected token (5:22) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file...
针对您遇到的错误 "module parse failed: unexpected token (6:69) you may need an appropriate loader",这里是一些详细的步骤和可能的解决方案,旨在帮助您定位并修复问题: 1. 分析错误信息 错误信息提示在第6行,第69个字符处有一个意外的token,这通常意味着Webpack(或类似的构建工具)在尝试处理一个文件时,遇...
'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { MapContainer } from 'react-leaflet'; const foo = <MapContainer />;" > src/index.js npm start # Fix the problem with 3.1.0 + 1.0.2 cd /tmp npx create-react-app fix-3.1.0-1.0.2 cd fix-3.1.0-1.0.2 npm install --save-...
./node_modules/@miblanchard/react-native-slider/lib/index.js 53:22 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (53:22) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders | } | if ...
react-styleguidist Share Improve this question askedFeb 29, 2020 at 14:52 Vinayak humberi 30155 silver badges88 bronze badges 1 Answer Sorted by: Highest score (default)Trending (recent votes count more)Date modified (newest first)Date created (oldest first) ...