针对你遇到的PHP警告信息“php warning: module 'openssl' is already loaded in unknown on line 0”,我们可以按照以下步骤来分析和解决问题: 1. 查找并确认"openssl"模块被重复加载的原因 这个警告通常表明openssl模块在PHP的配置文件中被加载了多次。这可能是因为php.ini文件中存在重复的extension=openssl指令,或者...
打开cmd进去到php.exe所在目录,运行 php -m 查看列出的内容中是否含有openssl.如果没有,打开php.ini...
phpinfo(); 查看Loaded Configuration file是否加载 php.ini,如下图: 1、把php.ini 中的: 修改成(即:取消行前面的分号“ ; " ): 2、找到On windows 下的这句并修改为: 3、将php.ini 复制到“C:\ WINDOWS\”下面,重启服务。 4、将安装目录加入到path环境变量 Call to undefined function openssl_sign()...
Warning: Module ‘mysqli‘ already loaded in Unknown on line 0,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
# this runs before forking out nginx worker processes: init_by_lua_block { require "cjson" } server { location = /api { content_by_lua_block { -- the following require() will just return -- the already loaded module from package.loaded: ngx.say(require "cjson".encode{dog = 5, ...
The Python "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'OpenSSL'" occurs when we forget to install the pyOpenSSL module before importing it or install it in an incorrect environment. To solve the error, install the module by running the pip install pyOpenSSL command.Open your terminal in your project...
Module 'swoole' already loaded If this prompt exists, you have loaded the extension multiple times, please check the configuration file. Author wolf002 commented Nov 13, 2020 I have restarted the server CDN not used the error sometimes appears as before Member sy-records commented Nov 13, ...
After you install PowerShell 7 and OpenSSL, do the following steps:Run PowerShell as superuser: sudo pwsh In the PowerShell superuser session, run the following commands: PowerShell Copy Install-Module -Name PSWSMan Install-WSMan If prompted, accept PSGallery as the source for the ...
I had error on shared hosting php7.2: Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0 In the beginning hosting provider said it was my bad configuration (running Yii2.16). But after I showed them, that all Internet related this issue to server configuration -they started to list...
一、php如何开启扩展 修改php.ini文件 两处 然后刷新,输出php探针,就可以看到你开启的扩展了。 二、出现错误提示PHP Warning: Module ‘openssl’ already loaded in Unknown on line 0 原因:php.ini重复加载了对应模块 解决方法: 到php.ini 里查找 extension=php_openssl... ...