I'm trying to convert one of my components into a client component but I keep running into the "Module not found : Can't resolve 'fs'" error. I've found this to be useful but this component uses useState, therefore it has to be a client component, here is the relevant part of my...
Hi, I am trying to use okta-sdk in an app running on Next.js. However, I am having trouble initializing the client:const okta = require('@okta/okta-sdk-nodejs');produces[ error ] ./node_modules/@okta/okta-sdk-nodejs/src/config-loader.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs' in...
Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘encoding’ in …/node_modules/node-fetch/lib’To fix this, I ran npm install encoding and the error was gone!Written on Apr 18, 2023 → Get my Next.js (pages router) Handbook → I wrote 17 books to help you become a better developer: C ...
The error Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs' occurs because there has been a breaking change in Webpack version 5.
模块:无法解析“./节点_模块/销毁”中的“fs” pages/index.js 代码语言:javascript 复制 importReact,{Component}from"react";import{Typography,Button,Grid}from"@material-ui/core";importQRCodefrom"qrcode.react";importdynamicfrom"next/dynamic";import{PublicKey,SecretKey,HOSPCODE}from"../stellar";const...
hi, when run gulp get error not found fs module // depend fs let dir = require('node-dir'); //or let fs = require('fs'); dir.path(__dirname, function(err, paths){ console.log(paths.dirs); console.log(paths.files); console.log(paths); })
今日という日、僕は Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs' というエラーにとても悩まされました。 このエラーを通じて、 色々と参考になりそうな記事いくつかを発見したので この記事を 'fs'完全攻略ガイド と名付けて書かせてもらいたいと思います。 (エラー解決したばっかなの...