当你在项目中遇到“module not found: error: can't resolve 'axios'”这样的错误时,通常意味着axios库没有被正确安装到你的项目中,或者你的项目配置有误导致无法找到该模块。以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认用户环境及项目设置: 确保你正在使用的是一个支持npm或yarn等包管理工具的环境(如Node.js)。 确认你...
Describe the bug In my Next14 application, in the service/api.ts folder I am unable to find the axios module. "axios": "^1.7.1", Here I am trying to instantiate the service to access the api: try { const response = await api.post('/regis...
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'axios' in 'D:\BaiduSyncdisk\vue-cli-project\dc_vue3\src\utils' 因:没有安装axios插件 在运行项目的地方npm install --save axios 解决办法
Module not found: Error: Package path ./lib/core/settle is not exported from package D:\xxx\xxx\n... 使用vue-cli创建的uniapp项目,在封装axios时,写了如下代码: axiosInter.defaults.adapter=function(config){returnnewPromise((resolve,reject)=>{// console.log(config)varsettle=require("axios/lib...
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './transitional'in 'C:\msal-auth\lib' ERROR in ./node_modules/msal-auth/lib/index.esm.js 20971:14-40 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../adapters/xhr'in 'C:\msal-auth\lib'
安装axios后出现"'Module found" babel错误是由于babel无法正确解析axios模块导致的。要解决这个问题,可以尝试以下几个步骤: 确保你的项目中已经正确安装了babel。可以通过在项目根目录下执行以下命令来安装babel相关的依赖: 确保你的项目中已经正确安装了babel。可以通过在项目根目录下执行以下命令来安装babel相关的依赖:...
3.module not found:Error:can't resolve '.../ ' in 'D:\xxx'07-234.vue之路由07-245.axios07-256.解决.map is not a function08-107.黑马程序员中极客项目day9-03、04 调用接口却出现500错误返回08-118.解决:无法将“edis-server.exe”项识别为 cmdlet、函数、脚本文件或可运行程序的名称。08-139...
import store from './store/index' Vue.use(ElementUI) // Vue.prototype.$http = axios Vue.config.productionTip = false /* eslint-disable no-new */ new Vue({ el: '#app', router, store, template: '<App/>', components: { App } })...
import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App' import router from './router' import ElementUI from 'element-ui' // 引入EelmentUI组件 import './common/sass/index' import '../static/css/reset' // import axios from 'axios' import store from './store/index' Vue.use(ElementUI) // ...
We recently started seeing: Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'axios' during our webpack build. I noticed that axios was recently made a devDependency instead of a dependency in package.json. By making it a dependency, the e...