spring boot 调用python 写的 violence-detection-main 暴力检测。 命令行下直接运行检测正常,部署到另外一个机器正常。 idea开发环境下,提示 AttributeError: module 'clip' has no attribute 'load' 不知道为什么
h5py和tensorflow版本不对应问题 去报错路径下把h5py相关文件都手动删除,然后重新安装
针对您提出的“module 'clip' has no attribute 'load'”问题,我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解答: 1. 确认clip库版本和来源 首先,需要明确您所使用的clip库的具体版本和来源。因为clip这个名称可能并不直接指向一个广为人知的、具有标准API的库。在Python中,clip可能是一个自定义库、第三方库的一部分,或者是...
Traceback (most recent call last): [...] AttributeError: module 'ldm.modules.encoders.modules' has no attribute 'FrozenCLIPEmbedder' Does anybody know how to solve it ? (I'm on Windows and I'm working with the latest release of Stable Diffusion, with the model sd-v1-4.ckpt, if it...
"nvidia_gpu_models": "GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080", "cudnn_version": null, "pip_version": "pip3", "pip_packages": [ "numpy==1.23.5", "open-clip-torch==2.20.0", "pytorch-lightning==1.9.4", "torch==2.0.1+cu118", ...
() Raster.has_RAT Raster.height Raster.is_integer Raster.is_multidimensional Raster.is_temporary Raster.maximum Raster.mean Raster.mean_cell_height Raster.mean_cell_width Raster.minimum Raster.multidimensional_info Raster.name Raster.names Raster.no_data_value Raster.no_data_values Raster.path Raster...
(MAC) | RGMII Temperature Range: -25C – 80C | Module Power *: 10W – 30W | Interface Power Input: System Voltage Input 9.0V – 20.0V; 5V Input: 5.0V ♦ Jetson Xavier modules are available with either 8GB or 32GB memory installed on module. The 16GB memory...
SO-DIMM Connector Operating Requirements Temperature Range (TJ)*: -25°C – 90°C | Supported Power Modes: 10W – 15W | Power Input: 5V Note: Refer to the Software Features section of the latest L4T Development Guide for a list of supported features; all features may not be available. ...
If FileGeodatase is specified and the input layer has attachments: if clip=False, the attachments will be extracted to the output file if clip=True, the attachments will not be extracted output_name Optional string or dict. When output_name is a string, the output item in your My contents...
The available units are Feet, Miles, Meters, and Kilometers. Example: {“distance”:60,”units”:meters} resampling_method Optional string. The field that will be used to assign values to the output raster. clip_setting Optional string. The field that will be used to assign values to ...