{ "action":"monitor", "name":"test", "scene":"custom_acl", "conditions":[{"opCode":1,"key":"URL","values":"/example"}] } 设置CC 攻击防护规则(scene 参数值为custom_cc),对应的 JSON 字符串中包含以下参数: name:String 类型 | 必选 | 规则名称。 scene:String 类型 | 必选 | 防护...
conditions:Array 类型 | 必选 | 匹配条件,最多支持填写 5 个匹配条件。以 JSON 字符串格式进行描述,具体包含以下参数: key:匹配字段。取值:URL、IP、Referer、User-Agent、Params、Cookie、Content-Type、Content-Length、X-Forwarded-For、Post-Body、Http-Method、Header、URLPath。 opCode:逻辑符,取值: 0:表示...
test:表示观察。 close:表示阻断。 wxbbVmpFieldType:Integer 类型 | 可选 | 自定义加签字段类型。如果规则中未设置自定义加签字段,则不返回该参数。取值: 0:表示 header。 1:表示参数。 2:表示 cookie。 wxbbVmpFieldValue:String 类型 | 可选 | 自定义加签字段值。如果规则中未设置自定义加签字段,则不返...
Test with a service flow and view the statistical result. Click View to view detailed information, including whether certain packets are discarded. Click Packet Tracing to view detailed packet discarding causes. You shall disable traffic statistics collection and clear statistics after the preceding oper...
Test with a service flow and view the statistical result. Click View to view detailed information, including whether certain packets are discarded. Click Packet Tracing to view detailed packet discarding causes. You shall disable traffic statistics collection and clear statistics after the preceding oper...
In thePost-simulation Tcl commandstext box, edit the default Tcl command: puts "Inverter Done" TheSimulationpane should appear as follows. ClickApply. Next, view theTimescalespane to make sure it is set to its default parameters, as follows: ...
MyHttpModule * pModule = new MyHttpModule; // Test for an error. if (!pModule) { // Return an error if the factory cannot create the instance. return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } else { // Return a pointer to the module. *ppModule = pModule; pModule = ...
MyHttpModule * pModule = new MyHttpModule; // Test for an error. if (!pModule) { // Return an error if the factory cannot create the instance. return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } else { // Return a pointer to the module. *ppModule = pModule; pModule = ...
Test with a service flow and view the statistical result. Click View to view detailed information, including whether certain packets are discarded. Click Packet Tracing to view detailed packet discarding causes. You shall disable traffic statistics collection and clear statistics after the preceding oper...
5 "TypeError: 'module' object is not callable" when running with py.test under /test folder 15 py.test doesn't find module 0 py.test fails due to missing module 76 Py.test command not found, but library is installed 1 Cant run tests with pytest, module not found 8 ModuleNot...