Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
Neutral mobs are inblue. Zombie Girl Husk Girl Drowned Girl Skeleton Girl Wither Skeleton Girl Stray Girl Creeper Girl Ghost Wither Ghost Ender Executor Kobold Lich Ogre Spider's Nest Melty Monster Cursed Doll Jack o' Frost Hornet Dullahan ...
Melon Golem 1.20.4-1.12.2 is a cool modification that adds a watermelon Golem to the game is a strong mob that will attack all hostile mobs with watermelon shots. To create it, you need: vertically align 3 blocks of watermelon, and then press the center of this design, after taking ...
Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
block that shows how much you will be taking off and adding items or weapon for them to hold and lims from other mobs to add to the mob you are customizing and user created mobs and more skins for mobs and choosing an model of a mob and adding another mob to it OK?
If that isn't enough, there's also boatloads of expansions to it out there, which just expand on its core concepts to add more crops and recipes—so dig into something besides the ground. Alex's Mobs (Image credit: Mojang) Minecraft version: 1.20 | Download: Alex's Mobs Loads of new...
- new mobs - various cat designs - cats have different abilities 83 Basketcase 17 votes Creator: thedaeruin - small, medium, large baskets - 4 slot, 8 slot, and 12 slot basket - places items in that are taking up too much space 84 Grid 22 votes Creator: Giselbaer - add grid for ...
A tamed kangaroo with netherite armor from the mod Alex's Mobs. The Macaw's Bridges mod adds bridges to the game. An army of mountaineers, led by their rampart captain, decided to raid a village with a Spinosaurus. This is an illager mod that was added into Minecraft. This is a ...
Well known combat mod that enhance enemies A.I., implement a new stagger system based on fight context (armor types, weapon types, health, stamina, ...), enhance stealth, enhance archery, enhance blocking with a shield or weapon, enhance group A.I. and a couple of other useful tweaks ...
• Will be updated constantly with more items. Available on newest version of Minecraft is a new feature called Add-Ons. Using Add-Ons, you can transform the worlds, and modify the mob behaviors and properties, essentially creating new kind of games. You can change the look of mobs as ...