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Sims 4 CC is the place for free Sims 4 Custom Content Downloads. Find the latest Sims 4 CC, Sims 4 Custom Content Downloads and Sims 4 Mods updated daily.
Sims 4 CC is the place for free Sims 4 Custom Content Downloads. Find the latest Sims 4 CC, Sims 4 Custom Content Downloads and Sims 4 Mods updated daily.
I do not take any credit for these careers. If Asiashamecca updates their career posts on ModTheSims or TSR, I will delete mine and link to them instead. Original Mod can be found at Asiashamecca's TSR:HERE. ︎
都有安裝一些模組或美化補丁吧,我個人是能裝的幾乎都有裝過,而且資料片、擴充包我都有買,從1代玩到4代,算是相當忠實的模粉,當然所謂的邪惡模組也有安裝,但由於邪惡模組有太多不雅之處,所以在此我就不方便多做介紹,還請老同學們見諒,若有興趣想安裝的同學們,可自行查找: 【wickedwhims】以及【sims 4 Lovers...
1. Mods文件夹在SIMS4不需要玩家手动建立,会由游戏自动生成的,位于用户目录内。· 试玩版用户目录:文档Electronic ArtsThe Sims 4 Create A Sim Demo· 正式版用户目录:文档Electronic ArtsThe Sims 4... 分享回复2 模拟人生吧 ClaudineTang 【M3求助】.sim3pack的mod要放在哪裏呀?? 求助求助=v= 分享92 ...
Vi förbehåller oss rätten att ta itu med olämpliga moddar, inklusive moddar som kränker andras immateriella rättigheter eller integritetsrättigheter, innehåller obscent, stötande eller skadligt innehåll, äventyrar The Sims 4-spelandets integritet eller på annat ...