1. 下载所有Fabric版本模组的前置模组Fabric API并安装 2. 下载个人喜欢的Fabric版本的模组,并放入%AppData%\.minecraft\mods文件夹中 3. 下载个人喜欢的光影并放入%appdata%\.minecraft\shaderpacks文件夹中 一、模组简介 模组是以jar为后缀的文件,例如fabric-api.jar。模组是可以在官方版的Minecraft沙盒游戏(即原...
我的世界 Mod [Minecraft] 《我的世界(Minecraft)》是微软旗下Mojang Studios开发的沙盒游戏。游戏中,玩家能在一个3D世界内与方块进行交互。游戏中的特色功能包括探索世界、采集资源、合成物品及生存冒险等。《我的世界》有多种模式:生存模式中,玩家必须维持生命并开采资源以打造自己的世界;创造模式中,玩家拥有无限的...
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malilib/files ▷ Magiclib[1.18.2]概述:OMMC、Masa Gadget、CarpetTCTCAddition等的前置,兼容1.14.4到1.19https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/magiclib/files ▷ Cloth ConfigAPI概述:autofish、DynamicFPS等mod的前置 https://www.curseforge.com/minec...
- 模组 'Oh My Minecraft Client for 1.19.2' (ommc-1_19_2) 0.5-beta+8215759 需要 'Minecraft' (minecraft) 的 任意 1.19.x 版本,但已经安装了的版本 1.20.2 不对!at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException.ofLocalized(FormattedException.java:51)at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl....
Fabric CreatedJun 12, 2023 UpdatedJun 12, 2023 Stats 3.68(182) ️541 TheFabric Loaderis a vital tool for Minecraft players seeking to use mods designed for Fabric. As a bridge between the game and the mods, the loader’s user-friendly interface allows players to easily install and manag...
Very rarely is a Minecraft mod the basis for hundreds of other mods. Minecraft Forge API for Minecraft 1.19.4 is one such exception. There are tons of other mods out there that require Minecraft Forge to be installed. Essentially, this mod is absolutely vital for those who want to install...
Mod是Minecraft的一大特色玩法,极大地扩展了Minecraft的世界维度。 本话题是Minecraft的子话题,主要包括Mod、JS插件、Core mod等相关内容。
Mod Menu is currently available for Fabric or Quilt on Minecraft: Java Edition 1.14 or newer. Developers Mod Menu includes a number of APIs for developers to improve how their mod appears in Mod Menu. These come in the form of language keys, JSON metadata, and even a Java API. ...
Dynmap 3.x+ uses Gradle v8.7 for building support for all platforms, with all resulting artifacts produced in the /targets directory. Due to Minecraft 1.18.x+ requirements, the developer's default JDK must be a JDK 21 version - older versions will still be compiled to run on the default ...
🙋♀️Need Support or Want to Follow Mod Development: The comment section isn't great for support, which is why MrCrayfish recommends you join theDiscord community. You can get help installing and configuring mods, resolving crashes and more! Plus you'll also get access to news about...