It can be devastating to lose the entire contents of your inventory simply because you couldn’t find your chalk outline fast enough. With GraveStone, you’ll drop a grave block when you die—labelled with your name—that you can break to get your stuff any time you’d like. Life after...
A: The current pedals that support drop tuning automatically are the Digitech Whammy DT, Digitech Whammy, and the Digitech Bass Whammy. Thank PoizenJam for the work they did getting those last two pedals to work as intended. Q: I want something added to the mod, like I want to remove XY...
After death, he has a chance to drop his axe. Swarmer A zombie infected with flies, which has become a living nest for them. No longer burns in the sun. This zombie's attacks will cause hunger and Rotten Stink. When receiving damage, it will periodically summon a Corpse Fly. After ...
Update 100K Challenge to move the temperature ID for new worlds farth… Sep 7, 2024 Claustrophobia Remove old vanilla references and switch Spaced Out to Mergedown. Upd… Jul 16, 2021 CleanDrop Happy new year! Jan 18, 2024 CritterInventory Fix the "Delay" mode of Chore Priority in Fast Tra...
With this mod the trees will no longer drop regular wood, they will now drop Wood sticks and Big wood logs which must be processed (on a table and sawmill respectively).It also integrates recipes to create the different types of wood from elements of each biome. ...
Normally, I’d like to leave more time between posts, but with the Christmas holidays fast approaching, I’ve got a lot to fit into a short amount of time. I hope you all don’t mind. Anyway, let’s crack on with our last monthly roundup of the year (how wild is that?). ...
Performant A complete overhaul of Minecraft's performance issues. It drastically improves serverside performance, which is most notable in the form of slow entity movement and blocks taking long to drop. Affects multiplayer and singleplayer, as singleplayer is using an integrated server....
Removed the controller button for now. Loot crate drops are more rare. (20% chance) Merry-weather peds shouldn't linger around anymore even after finishing the loot drop. v1.0.2b1 Fixed script crash after saving guards. Night time is extremely dangerous. 50% of the zombies are fast zombies...
- added materials that drop from space - now can mine bedrock - new armor and new weapons 65 Chicken Nugget 43 votes Creator: quat1024 - use nuggets to craft live chickens - get nuggets from chickens you've killed - cook nuggets for food, or combine to make new chicken 66 Effortless Bu...
Loots: Drops random loot, can drop very good things like armor, redstone materials, valuable minerals, as well as junk items, poisoned food, or bad materials. Traps: It makes a trap appear that will always be bad, for example a hole with a huge drop, a bunch of monsters, a jail ful...