A Cobblemon pack with Immersive Engineering as the main tech mod, no tool durability and a vast world to explore!
This resource pack includes support for the following mods: Actually Additions Adabranium Mod Aether Allthemodium Alltheores Advent of Ascension (AoA3) Applied Energistics 2 Arts and Crafts Astromine BetterEnd Big Reactors Biomes O’ Plenty Biomes We’ve Gone BNO Cobblemon Create Croptopia Decorativ...
Prehistoric Nature is not compatible with Better Foliage's customised round logs, so please make sure that you don't try to use that option:Add these to: leavesClassesBlacklist: net.lepidodendron.block.BlockCalamitesLeaves$BlockCustomnet.lepidodendron.block.BlockCalamitesLeavesPlaceable$Block...